Chapter 1

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It started with parental affection. Nothing out of the ordinary. Mikasa didn't mind it at first. In her last household, she was hit often. So being touched by her new father brought warmth to her heart. His caresses and hugs made her feel loved. Mikasa finally felt like she had found the right home, but eventually, the rain started pouring again.

When it first happened, he had begged for forgiveness. "Mikasa i- I'm so sorry. I lost control. let me make it up to you?" He'd say. And she forgave him. She knew in her heart that he was a kind man with a heart of gold.
After that, it didn't happen again until a couple of months later. Mikasa returned from school and was hit with the scent of alcohol lingering in the air once she opened the door. She had never known her new father to be a drinker. Mikasa tentatively made her way through the living room and into the hallway that led to her room. When she reached for the knob of her door, a drunken voice called out for her. "Mikasa!" He groaned, his word slurred.

When his voice pierced her ears, a shot of anxiety struck her spine. In her last home, if she didn't come when called, she'd be hit. Going with her learned instincts, she slowly walked down the hall and into her caretaker's room.

"Mikasa." He was laying on his bed, a bottle of wine in hand. The brunette man sat up and gave Mikasa a long look. He analyzed her from head to toe. Finally clearing the silence, he said, "Come here." and Mikasa obeyed, afraid of what was to come if she hadn't.

She climbed onto his bed and took a seat in his lap when he gestured for her to. Her father wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. Her nose scrunched up when his scent invaded her senses. The odor of alcohol was even worse now.

He began to slowly thrust against Mikasa, groaning in her ear. Mikasa froze. She realized what had been going on. The warmth of his breath against her ear made it worse. When he lifted her off of his lap and placed her on the bed, she remained still.

"Undress." He commanded. Afraid of being hit, she did as he said. She stopped once she got to her bra and panties. Mikasa pondered, tears filling her eyes. She forced them away. Her father said something more but it fell against her deaf ears. Mikasa couldn't focus until his hand smacked her across the face. She fell to the side, body limp. Searing pain filled her face.
"I said, undress." He starred at her until she removed everything other than her scarf. "Take off that stupid scarf." He sounded annoyed. Mikasa shook her head despite her insides screaming for her to take it off. Anything to lower the chances of being hit.

"Here, have this." the boy said softly, wrapping the scarf around Mikasa's neck. "I know things are rough, but you're going to find a family who'll love you just as much as I do."

Mikasa's thoughts of her dear friend Eren had been cut short by the sound of her father's voice. "Bend over." She did as he told her, pussy on display for his eyes. The brunette shivered, feeling the cold air against her body. She could feel his intense gaze on her body.

The man ran a finger along her bare slit and chuckled. She didn't want to know why he laughed. Mikasa looked back in horror as she saw the man unbuckling his belt. He caught her staring. "You like this?" He asks, with a crooked smile. She didn't respond. Once his belt was off, he threw it to the side.

Mikasa rested her head against the bedspread, she didn't want to watch this unfold. She could hear his pants being flung off the bed. Is this is? Is this what my life has come to? Her mind raced with thoughts when she felt the head of his cock press against her lower lips.

Without a second more, he thrust his meat into Mikasa's passage. Mikasa cried out in pain, fingers grasping the bedsheets so hard her knuckles went white. He began to move his hips. She couldn't hold back to tears anymore, they began to flow freely as her father raped her bare body.
The man groaned, pressing Mikasa's head sideways on the bed. "Stop crying." He said. Did he feel guilty? Mikasa didn't know. The command only made her cry more. He ignored it. Eventually, Mikasa stopped crying. Her mind went blank and she began to look off in the distance. Did anything even matter anymore?

She was brought back to reality when she felt shots of white paint her insides. The man groaned, riding out his orgasm inside of the brunette. Once he pulled out, he urged her to gather her clothes and go back to her room. So she did.

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