The journey with Sotoshi

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***Something like that picture^***

When we were far enough into the woods to where I couldn't see my house anymore, I glanced over at the two red and blue orbs that were Sotoshi's eyes. 

"What are you, Sotoshi?" I asked curiously, careful not to sound rude or threatening. 

"Uhm.. Well, Sotoshi is bred of wind and fire. I can smell the fire on you, you are like me, but much stronger. I was the first creation after the Hunting." They said, walking a few paces ahead of me, but keeping in step with me. 

"How long ago was the Hunting?" 

"Three hundred and sixty years ago." I tried not to choke on the words. 

Three hundred years ago?!  How old are these people?

"Why are you afraid to show me?" I said. 

"Well, you see- People like me, half breeds of Elements, or one of Elemental decent, are shunned by the Courts. There are few people that still believe that we weren't a threat, so I am welcome in some places, but not many."

"I'm not planning on hurting you, and even if you did scare me, I still need you to guide me to the Night Court." I said reassuringly.

I heard a small sigh and nervous shuffling when we stopped, and then a shadow started to appear on the ground from the moon light. Where the body that would be casting it would stand, the air shimmered and a body started to take shape. 

When they came into view, I tried not to gasp, but failed. 

Where the shimmer was, a large shape appeared. I couldn't see  much, but the faint glow they gave off helped. They looked masculine enough, but still had oddly feminine curves. 

It wasn't the lightly tanned skin that caught me off guard but rather the two pointy fox ears sticking up from the top of their head and the- I had to count- nine tails behind them. 

The ears and tails were a sandy cream color, lighter than my sweater and tipped with lavender purple. They wore a lose dark teal tank top and some low hanging capris that were bunched at the knee and tied there with red ribbon. I also noticed that that same red ribbon also adorned the base of their long pointy ears that ended in a small purple tuft.  

They had a chunky silver loose hanging plated necklace around their neck as well, and their darker purple hair was a short, poorly cut fluffy mess.

They looked so delicate, fragile but also corded with muscle from what I could see of their arms and legs. 

"I'm so sorry! Please forgive Sotoshi!" They sounded as if they would cry. They disappeared quickly, only leaving the glowing orbs floating in place of where they were on their face moments ago, crinkled with fear. 

"You're so beautiful." I whispered. Sotoshi sniffled and I asked them to come back. 


"I've only read about things like you in books and they would never compare to what they illustrated."

They started to come back into view, their hands over their face and covering their red and blue eyes. 

"You're a Kitsune." They cracked open their fingers that covered their eyes and nodded. Sotoshi wiped their tears away leaving them a flushed pink and they started to mutter,

"But Sotoshi is not a Kitsune. Kitsune is of Fire. I am of Fire and Air. Sotoshi is a mutt..." They said bitterly as if recalling a horrible memory. 

Something roared in my mind and I shook my head trying to clear it. 

You tell them that they are not  mutt! They were created for a reason, not to be shunned!

The Phoenix said angerly in my thoughts. I flinched slightly at it's loud words. 

"Sotoshi, I'm of Fire too, but I am also the embodiment of the Phoenix. It's very angry you have such a low opinion of yourself, and says you were 'created for a reason, not to be shunned'." I said, quoting it. 

They looked up at me in wonder. "You are the Phoenix! I knew it was you in the sky when I returned that night!" They trotted toward me and grabbed my shoulders, shook me slightly and smiled brightly. 

"Sotoshi is so happy you are one of Fire! You're not scared of me and I can train you and we can talk and I can teach you and we can be friends-" They rambled. 

I will not be staying for long, child. I must return above to create more of Fire. The Phoenix said. 

Wait- Didn't you say that if an Element leaves, the person will die!? 

My purpose is to train you. We have only just met, you and I. You are my greatest prodigy, you have all the power I have, but on your own. You created that Keegan, you just needed someone to help. I leave when you are trained enough to summon Fire.

I groaned slightly.

"Aah! Sotoshi is sorry! I was rambling wasn't I?"  They said, panicked.

"No it's fine... I just don't want to stay in the Night Court."  I said when we continued walking. The mountains started to swallow us as we walked between them, a long journey ahead of us. My bag shuffled on my hip and Sotoshi glanced at it, but said nothing. Poor Sushi, I'm so glad she's had practice of sleeping in other tight spaces. 

"Oh! I forgot to mention, Sotoshi is not actually a member of the Night Court."

I looked at them quizzically, "What do you mean?" 

"Well, you see- The Lords that find my services useful will send word that I am needed- from wherever I may be, and I do their deeds." They explained. 

"So you're just a slave?" I said, not trying to make it sound offensive.

"Oh no! Sotoshi is granted access and pardoned in the Night Court, the Autumn Court and the Summer Court."

"What about the other courts?" 

"Well, the others find me a nuisance and refuse to allow me access to their Courts."

"So what do you do in the Courts that welcome you?" I said, glancing at them. Their tails flicked thoughtfully behind them, hanging slightly low, but not touching the ground. 

"Some hire me as a spy, or to train trackers. Some hire me as a mercenary and others just appreciate my presence and enjoy my skills." This small thing was a mercenary? They were at least six inches shorter than me. 

"You say this like there's so many Courts." I said, confused. 

"Well, outside of these courts, are others of the Fae realm."

"Like what?" I was asking so many questions and they answered all of them happily. 

"There are villages spread all over the world, not all of them are here, near your village." 

I live in a village? 

"There is the village of exiles, which I make the most gold at, but it's very dangerous. Full of criminals of the Courts that were cast out on their own. There's the People of the Sand that colonize places in the desert around oasis'. There's the People of the Dragon that live high in the cliffs away from civilization. They are the most primal and hostile. I've met them only once, and they weren't thrilled to have me, but they respected my presence. There's the People of the Jungle that are actually part of the actual jungle! Some have plants that grow on them or have parts of other animals. They are so nice and very beautiful to look at. There's also the People of Dark, which I have never been to. I've heard it's only a myth, a legend if you will, among fae." 

I tucked away this information for later use. 

We walked in silence for awhile and then I asked how far we were. 

"We're here!" Sotoshi said happily. 

Oh great. 

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