When two ends meet

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-Zendrix's View-

I had walked the path for not long before the leaves started to change, the trees growing taller and the grass a brown color, turning long and straw-like around the tree bases. I wasn't where I needed to be yet. I wasn't far off but I wan't exactly paces away. 

My ears twitched and and the crunch and shudder of leaves above and around me started to become familiar. Not long before the leaves were being blown into the path, the chilly air started to kick in. Not that I wasn't used to it. Suddenly I picked up on something that wasn't my foot steps and was very faint coming from above me. My pupils narrowed but I did not waver from my own walking to where I needed to be. 

Dammit! I can't believe I left like that. I have so much back there and all I have now is the clothes on my back. Not even a ribbon to tie my hair back with. How could I just leave them behind like that! 

It took me a moment then I remembered why it was a good thing. If this got any worse I would do more harm than good. Much more harm. 

Suddenly a loud crack was heard behind me. I whipped around to find a fallen branch that looked hollow and dead. I went to turn around and was met with three sets of hostile eyes from behind trees. 

Border patrol. 

-Sotoshi's view-

Two days before my contract is over. Elements above I'm so glad. There's no way I could explain what the blight was. It didn't seem hostile. I was looking at it and it seemed to sit like lichen or moss would. 

I was walking down the woven downward tilted path of the heart of the Autumn Court when I heard some intriguing gossip making my ears swivel and my head soon after. 

I only heard faint whispers of the words 'intruder' and 'border' but what piqued my interest the most were the words 'Werewolf' and 'tattoos'. 

There was one person I knew well enough to fit that description. The tapping of my bare feet was soon replaced with long strides and the clicking of claws. My tails flowed behind me as I jumped down the ramp to terrace after terrace, following the details I heard on the way down. I ended up stopping on the terrace right above the meeting hall which is where all of the officials met. 

I felt the energy around me crackle and I scented the cold snow from places most would die trying to reach. 

I jumped down the terrace and did the forbidden- I intruded on a meeting. 

The Lord of Autumn and the Regiment lead both turned to look at me with silent but concerning gazes. I fell to my knees and bowed my head in respect. 

"My Lord! Please allow me to explain my intrusion! Sotoshi knows this man!" I said loudly, not raising my head, my hair now draped in front of my eyes. 

"You may rise." He said. I followed his command and when he gave me the nod so I could speak, everything spilled from my lips from the beginning with Keegan. 

"Sotoshi," Zendrix spoke. He was restrained by heavy chains that were anchored to the tree. Not drilled in, but rather the tree itself seemed to hold them willingly. "I must go north to the Winter Court or I fear I may become the greater danger." He scared me when he talked formally. I guess these things change people. What happened to the snarky playful venom he tossed around?

"So you decided to pass through with no invitation?" The Regiment master spoke. I felt the air prickle around me. 

"You and your people should know well to let me keep going. I need to leave these lands so the blight does not cause a war." 

Suddenly there was a huge, deafening crack that made my ears flatten to my head and ring. 

The great tree of the court of Autumn had cracked. The vein spidered between the higher-ups and Zendrix. I saw the embers of power seep from the Lord's skin and into the floor, but the tree did not heal. Rather, it got wider.

 So wide in fact, it became a chasm and continued to shake and split wider. Looking around me frantically, I jumped to the balcony's edge and got ready to free fall. Screams filled the air of levels under and above us. Branches fell around us and before anyone could do anything about it, the earth trembled and split straight down the middle, taking Zendrix, the Lord of Autumn and the Regiment master down the pit. I heard an otherworldly shriek and a flash of blue light. I knew even if there was a way out and they survived, Zendrix would be the only one able to make it out. I had to jump. 

As I launched myself off the edge, I saw others jumping and clinging to trees or landing on branches that were much higher than I was. 

I wish I could have seen them one last time...  

I knew it would never happen when I transformed and tried to use Wind to slow my fall. Instead I was sucked into the crack and the empty abyss. The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was whispered in my ear; 

"Trust me."  

-I don't know if I will keep updating this because it needs so much editing now that I'm looking back at it. I don't think it can be saved from the amount of dead ends and tangents It goes on. So  consider this the last chapter until I update it again. Honestly I might just start combining universes and just make short back stories in another book. Maybe another acct who knows.-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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