• Kapitel 14 •

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Lenka opened her eyes feeling her entire body numb. She didn't remember falling asleep, or maybe that damn serum had knocked her unconscious. She dreadfully looked around, but she was alone. There was not a single window in the room and she had no way of knowing what time it was, but it was surely night.

A few minutes passed before Walter entered. He walked over to her and lifted her face to make sure she was awake. Sweat dripped down Lenka's forehead and her pupils were dilated, but she already seemed able to carry on a coherent conversation.

"I see that you are a little more lucid, Fräulein," he said. "We are going to continue with the interrogation."

Lenka watched the door open and Günther pushed a man in, then forced him to his knees. The guy raised his head and looked at her. Lenka's heart rushed inside her chest when she saw that it was Yarov, his hands were tied back and his head was bandaged, preventing his left eye and ear from dripping blood.

"Your little friend here put up a lot of resistance," Walter said again. "In fact, my plan was to interrogate both of you separately, but he cut out his tongue before we caught him ... I'm surprised how he could do something like that!"

Walter walked up to Yarov and grabbed his hair roughly, lifting his head.

"He must be someone very brave …" he said looking at him with hatred, then smiled "Or very stupid."

Walter looked at Günther, and Günther quickly handed him a bayonet. Walter took it and slid the sharp blade across Yarov's head wound, then looked at Lenka.

"I need to know if more of you will come tonight." Walter said.

But Lenka didn't answer. Her eyes could not tear themselves away from Yarov's tortured face, who in turn stared at her between fear and physical pain. Lenka began to tremble in fear, and tears soon spilled out of her eyes.

"Talk," Walter ordered, sticking the point of the bayonet in Yarov's extinct ear, who immediately let out a muffled groan of pain and looked at Lenka, shaking his head, imploring her not to speak.

Lenka pursed her lips to keep from crying out as Walter drove the dagger deeper, causing Yarov to shudder in mute screams of pain.

"I can't hear you…"

Lenka wanted to turn her face away or close her eyes, but was unable to do so. Walter plunged the bayonet blade into Yarov's ear and turned it without mercy. Blood spurted down his neck and the bandage on his head was painted red as he screamed in agony, or at least tried to, as his severed tongue produced only muffled, pitiful sounds. And Walter was smirking the whole time.

Lenka let out a cry of despair at the horrendous sight and began to hyperventilate, shaking. She had to stay strong without revealing anything, she had spoken many times with her men about that, about what would happen if they were captured. But she never imagined that the situation would overwhelm her in unexpected ways.

"Talk ... will more of you come?" Walter asked impatiently. He kept his gaze fixed on Lenka and his light-hearted attitude only disturbed her more. "Aren't you going to speak yet? Do you need another incentive?"

Lenka screamed as Walter threw Yarov to the ground and started stomping on his head, right over the wound. He kicked his face, his sides, his stomach, his head again.

"Stop!" She cried desperately. "No one will come! I gave them orders to wait until tomorrow!"

Walter stopped and removed his foot from Yarov's head, who no longer had the strength to move or utter a sound, but was still alive. Although Lenka didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

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