Oh Shi-

37 1 3

*present day*

As I was flying on my ikran ((aka banshee)) his beautiful (b/c) was Illuminating my path through the sky. It is said that the first flight is what seals the bond, I think every flight strengthens and brings the bond closer together. The moons over head helps light my path through the sky. Parting through the the trees the facility stares back it has been over run with foliage.

((This is Hells Gate or TXINTSENG SAWTUTEYÄ and it will be a common place in this story

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((This is Hells Gate or TXINTSENG SAWTUTEYÄ and it will be a common place in this story. BTW this is what it looked like while there were still people here. That is you also. If you have any questions just ask!))

'You know dad if you hadn't shone me it I would just think it's a small hill covered in gravel.' thinking to my self .

We land in the center of what I believe is what most would call a court. Hopping off (B/N) and disconnecting the tsaheylu. Walking around to a large cabin, the clothing that I left in here only lightly disturbed by the animals. The old wood floors creek and bow with every step I take. The clothing is very similar to the clothing I wear in my Na'vi form. Normally I wear a two piece brown dress type covering. Walking over to the hammock I get the overalls and place them on the floor.

I have learnt to picture my self in my human form. In my human form I am only about 5'2'' with bright (Y/c) and (Y/s/c). Feeling my bones and muscles shrinking. It feels as I am a chalk bored and there is chalk being raked across. I wince as the shift between the two forms, it always starts and end with a fire in my joints. A few moments pass after the shift is done. What I normally wear is now in a pile in the floor. 'Damn this body is small'

Putting on the moss green overalls I had sewn together I realize that I never had sewn a shirt for underneath. This meaning that my arms and legs and half my chest was bare. 'Ahhh lovely'

" Well (Y/N) no need for moping about not having a shirt." I say to myself.

The Omaticaya, we don't wear shoes so my feet are use to the the jungle like terrain. As I walk out on to the earth, I take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. The crisp humid air is thick with moisture. So thick that it felt as if I could reach out and touch the water. 'I wonder if it's going to rain?' Walking towards the facility I start to jog because it is so far in these short legs. I stop to turn to my right, the smoke stacks, as dad referred to them had fallen. 'So that's what the loud bang was.'

"Tewti'' I say in awe.

The smokes had been there sense the first time I came here. Forgetting my original goal of translating people speak into English. Yes this has already translated many times however the school no longer teaches it. I hadn't even realized that as I was thinking I was also moving closer to the ruins. Drip drip the pitter patter of the rain pulling me from my thoughts. Looking up towards the sky small drop of rain hits my nose. The clean smell of the rain is interrupted by the sound of a viper wolf snarling at me. Looking towards the rubble of the stacks, my eyes widen upon what I see.

Looking back at me is a viper wolf except the top half of it's back is burnt off or has red covering it. Normally a viper wolf would have green eyes instead this wolf has vibrant purple eyes. They let a howl I know all to well. Turning on my heal I sprint as fast as my body will carry me. 'Remember (Y/N) breathe out when your heal hits the ground the second time.'

"Body don't fail me now!" Using a piece of bamboo I fling myself in to the air. landing in the cabin I pivot on my heal to see the wolf just about to reach the first step. 'Shit shit oh shi-

Slamming the door shut I lock it as quick as I can. The Viper wolf slams it body up against the metal, it hits the doors so hard that I fly back a few feet. Looking to my left I see my clothing knives and the communication device 'srane'

"Sempu nga tsatsenge?" I ask. The metal is starting to creek with the force that the viper wolf is putting on it.

"dad you there?" I ask again this time with more emotion.

" 'I.tɛ oe stawm nga" My dad replies.

"Help I'm trapped in the uniltaron," looking over I see the Viper wolf has clawed its head and two of its six legs in. "hurry I'm being attacked!"

" oe zera'u fte oe srung sivi ngaru'." he says shouting over the wind " Do you have tstal?"

"Yes but I'm in tawtute form." I respond my voice cracking with fear.

The wolf's hissing stopped hissing. It had been consistent, almost comforting letting me know that as long as I hear the hissing I'm okay. Glancing over I see the wolf pulling its last leg through the hole. 'Fuck I'm in danger.' Reaching over I grab tstal and go into a low fighting stance. It's neon purple eyes lock eyes with my (E/c) eyes. My ears begin ringing as the only two things I can concentrate on is the tightness in my chest; the feeling as if all the air in my lungs is trying to constricted out of my body. The rapid heart rate that is blocking out all other sound.

Just as it lunges for me an arrow pierces through its shoulder blades. The blood soaked arrow meeting its final resting place in the floor of the hut. As if it were set on fire, the arrow starts to smoke and the wood starts to sizzle. As the buzzing and ringing begins to fade I hear the clatter of my knife hitting the floor.

" Are you okay? (Y/N)? Are you okay?" Dad asks worrying.

Dropping his bow without a care, he rushes to me. Don't get me wrong, I have seen death, I have felt the life of a Viper wolf die in my arms. Nonetheless it is something to a see a arrow come out of thin air and kill a beautiful creature less than a meter in front of you. The callused hand of my father bring me back into reality.

As Dad is opening his mouth to say something the smell of smoke interrupts him. Looking back over his shoulder as I pier around, the Viper wolf has caught on fire. 'Well this is new.' Dad leaves me and and tossed the wolf by it's legs. He screams out in pain as the fire licks his left hand and forearm. As it lands on concrete, Dad looks back and tells me to shift back.

As I remove my clothing and shift I can't help but think that normal Viper wolves hunt in packs, so where is this ones pack. Putting back on my two-piece dress I start walking towards Dad and the wolf. The wolfs body is still dancing with the flames.

"I have two questions," Dad starts out " What just happened? "

" And how do we tell the clan?" I finish for him. He just nods along silently still watching the wolf burn.

((Tewti is translated to wow.

Tsaheylu is the bond.

Sempu is dad.

'Sempu nga tsatsenge' means 'dad you there?'

Srane means yes.

I.tɛ is daughter.

'I.tɛ oe stawm nga' is "daughter I hear you."

'oe zera'u fte oe srung sivi ngaru' means " I'm coming to help you

uniltaron is the Dream hut at Hell's Gate.

Tstal is your knife.

tawtute is human.))

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