Chapter 3

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Several minutes later, a knock sounded on the house. Angel flew to the door to answer it. When she opened the door, AGA Nanzaster (Ageage Again) was there.

Ageage Again: Hi Amulet!!

Angel: What are you doing here?

Ageage Again: I know we don't know each other too well, but I'm here to spend some time with you. In fact, I know a very fun place where we can hang out!

Angel: Really?

Ageage Again: Yeah! Come on, I'll take you there!

Angel followed AGA. A long time later, they reached the zoo.

Angel: I don't know what this place is. I can't read.

Ageage Again: This is the Negi Root City Zoo!

Angel: Why the zoo?

Ageage Again: I don't know about you, but I love looking at different animals.

Angel: Sure, let's go.

They both walked into the zoo.

Ageage Again: Where do you wanna go first?

Angel: The zebras!

Ageage Again: I love zebras! Let's go!

They went to where the zebras were.

Angel: They're soooooooo cute!

Ageage Again: I know, right? I love how they have different patterns of black and white.

Angel: They look the same to me.

Ageage Again: It's not really noticeable to the naked eye. The differences are very subtle. Zebra stripes are like fingerprints in a way.

Angel: Nonsense.

Ageage Again: If you look closely at the shape and size of the markings, you'll notice.

Angel: Yeeeeeeeeeeah, no.

Ageage Again: Yeah, it's not easy for everyone to tell the difference. But what's incredible is that these zebras can. That's how they tell each other apart.

Angel: How do you know all that?

Ageage Again: I like to study animals. And plus, scientists, biologists, and zoologists study these animals and their behaviors, adaptations, and traits.

Angel: You'd only know that if you were a zebra! And you're saying these people study these animals?

Ageage Again: Yeah! People go to school to study these animals.

Angel: AGA, I think you are high! You sound like you're making it all up!

Ageage Again: There are sources to back up my information, but you can't read.

Angel: First, you tell me these zebras can tell each other apart. Then, you say these animals can interact. And now you're making all this stuff up?! ARE YOU HIGH?!

Ageage Again: Of course animals have ways to interact. How do you think they mate if they don't interact?

Angel: What's mate?

Ageage Again: Oh my goodness.... did your family never have the talk with you?

Angel: What's the talk?

AGA facepalmed.

Ageage Again: It's when a parental figure or anyone worthy of being trusted teaches you about sexual intercourse.

Angel: Oh, I know sex! In fact, I can spell it too! S-E-C-K-S! Sex!

Ageage Again: It's actually spelled S-E-X.

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