Chapter 4

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Angel flew into the basement where she found Meteorite training for her belt test. Meteorite was panting and gulped down some water. She then saw Angel.

Meteorite: Hey, Amulet! How was your hangout with AGA?

Angel: Good.

Meteorite: I'm so glad to hear that! She's pretty awesome, isn't she?

Angel: Yeah.

Meteorite: Is something wrong, homie?

Angel: No.

Meteorite: Your responses are usually.... longer.

Angel: When?

Meteorite wiped some sweat from her forehead.

Meteorite: Like.... all the time. You sure you're good, homie?

Angel: Yeah.

Meteorite: You can always talk to me if you need to vent. Or if you need to get something off your chest.

Angel: You never say that.

Meteorite: I know. But I should say that more...

I'm sorry, homie. Before now, I never really talked about my feelings. I used to feel like it was a pussy thing to do, so that's why I used violence instead. You and Annie gave me a wake up call...

Angel: Huh. Annie.

Meteorite: Yeah. She always told me there was nothing wrong with letting my emotions out.

I literally cried in front of that woman. And I only cry around people I trust....

If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have given up on my dreams. And if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gone to therapy. I clearly needed help.

Angel: But Annie is good for you.

Meteorite was trying not to cry.

Meteorite: She is..... *sniff* I'm sorry, Amulet.... you don't have to understand my feelings at all.... *sniff* meeting her was just the best *sniff* thing that has ever happened to me. I feel calm..... and content *sniff* around her..... I haven't felt truly calm and content for a long time.....

Angel: But you have me.

Meteorite: I know..... *sniff* and you're a wonderful person too. Except it's different. You're like a sister to me. I wanted Annie..... to be my girlfriend....

Angel: You didn't say that.

Meteorite: I never did say that.... but I felt that way for a while...

You know, I was never planning to confess to Annie. But she saw how red I was and insisted on taking my temperature. So I had to confess so I could be honest and convince her I wasn't sick. It's pretty funny if you think about it.

To be honest, it was really cute how oblivious she was. And it was sweet when she wanted to take care of me.

Angel: Yeah.

Meteorite: I'm lucky to have gotten to know her. You know, she and Bristol have been friends since they were little.

Angel: Really?

Meteorite: Yeah. You know, even if she never wants to talk to me again, I want her to remember me. That's all I want....

Angel: She will.

Meteorite smiled a bit with tears in her eyes.

Meteorite: You really think so....?

Angel: Yeah.

Meteorite burst into tears as she hugged Angel.

Meteorite: Thank you..... *sniff* thank you for listening to me..... *sniff*

They stayed like this for a while.


Meanwhile, Annie and her wrestling partner Ellen were hanging out at the Mirai Mall. They were eating Subway.

SOTR Miku: Mmmmmm! I love this sandwich!

SOTR Rin: I don't get it, Annie. Why haven't you talked to Michelle?

SOTR Miku: *swallows her bite* Well....

SOTR Rin: Weren't you guys becoming close friends? Did something HAPPEN?!

SOTR Miku: No, nothing major. But the thing is, she said she..... fell for me.

Ellen started laughing really hard.

SOTR Rin: I'm so sorry man! It's just.... it took you THAT long to realize?!

SOTR Miku: I knew it from the start. But I never felt anything.

SOTR Rin: Oh.... why not? You know she'd never hurt you or anything.

SOTR Miku: It's more like.... I had no idea she fell for me until that point.

Ellen sipped on her Cola.

SOTR Rin: Look, dude. No homo, but I don't blame her. Did you at least let her down gently?

SOTR Miku: I.... said I didn't know what to say.

SOTR Rin: I see.... I guess you don't like her back. And that's totally fine. I hope she's taking it well. I could tell you meant a lot to her. You do a lot of good for so many people.

SOTR Miku: It was just so sudden, and I don't know how to feel about that....

SOTR Miku: Wait.... how do you feel about her?

Annie took another bite.

SOTR Miku: She's cool. I like her ambitions, persistence, and her ability to get inspired by me to change the world.

SOTR Rin: And I feel like she could definitely do that. It's like there's a fire within her, you know.

SOTR Miku: Yup. Exactly.

SOTR Rin: I know these feelings are difficult to figure out. Just.... be honest with yourself. And once you figure it out, you can be honest with her.

SOTR Miku: I guess you're right.

SOTR Rin: I'm always here for you, homie.

SOTR Miku: Thanks.

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