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Adrian's hands lifted in defeat, Ria's wand still pressed against his throat. "Not going to argue with a Dolohov." He sniggered finding himself funny. The fact is most students seen her as a threat because of who her father is, truthfully she did have a temper and could snap at somebody for the smallest thing, but she would never hurt anybody without true intention. 

"I wouldn't be cracking jokes right now Pucey," Ria spat at him in a cold tone, she was feeling so many emotions at this moment. Mainly vengeful for her friend Millie whom Adrian had violated in ways Ria didn't wish to think of.

Draco lifted himself out of his seat and tried to pull Ria away from the situation in an attempt to stop her from doing anything irrational, but Ria simply pushed him away with all the force she had. Draco stumbled back into Crabbe, his tongue rolled on the inside of his cheek embarrassed by her ignorant act.

Adrian slowly made his way up into a standing position, his back still facing Ria. "I know what you did," Ria muttered into his ear, she was threatening him to make a move to defend himself so that she could react. He was in the wrong and Ria knew he realised there was nothing he could do when his wide grin quickly faded into a frown, not in a sad way but he knew he was fucked.

"I could hurt you Pucey, I want to hurt you so bad." Ria continued, jabbing her wand deeper into the back of his neck inflicting as much pain onto him as she could. Adrian gulped in pain, fear now absorbing his whole body, this was no longer a joke.

By now students had stopped what they were doing to turn their attention to the situation, the laughter within the hall had disappeared but instead was replaced by confused whispers amongst students that had no idea what was going on.

"Ria put your fucking wand down," Draco demanded holding out his hand for Ria to give up her wand, he doesn't want her to cause a huge unnecessary scene in front of the whole school and the professors.  

Ria shook her head disapprovingly and chose to ignore his plead, Adrian deserved to be exposed for who he is so that no other girl would have to go through this, perhaps Millie was not even his first victim.

"Tell everyone what you did," Ria requested him, her voice had a calm tone but it was dangerous, not to be argued with. Adrian squirmed and his eyes shut closed not wanting to believe this was actually happening to him.

"I said tell everyone what you fucking did Pucey!" Her voice was raised and no longer calm growing increasingly impatient, she needed him to admit the terrible things he did, the entire hall had stopped their low whispers and even the professors caught eye to the matter but chose to stand down, frightened that if they make one wrong move Ria would take action and do something terrible.

"I- ," Adrian started but words struggled to leave his unworthy lips, his long face turned pale and his adam's apple bobbed up and down from nervousness. This would ruin him entirely, it could possibly ruin his entire future.

"Goddamn it Adrian If you don't do it I will-," She had become impatient with him not admitting to his crime. His hands visibly shook in fear. Ria was about to expose him but before she could say anything, cold arms wrapped around her waist and she could sense the cologne and minty breaths that were now fanning the back of her neck, the scent that she knew belonged to Draco.

"Please put the wand down Ria," He whispered into her ear in a soft tone, trying to reason with her. Ria couldn't help but think about why he cared so much, it could be because Adrian is a close friend of his but usually he enjoys witnessing these types of situations. It just doesn't make sense.

"All righ, All righ, shows over everyone get to yer rooms!," A deep voice spoke as a large figure approached where Ria, Draco and Adrian had been standing. "What're ye doing Draco get off of her." Hagrid shot a strange look at Draco before his hold of my waist released and he strutted off muttering curse words to himself not impressed with the interruption.

"Hagrid-," Ria began but he stopped her and snatched the wand out of her minuscule hands compared to his large ones.

"I seen the colour of yer ring and new I had to come." He answered her question before she had even asked it. Ria had completely forgot about the purpose of the ring but still wore it every single day. She stared down at the silver metal around her finger but couldn't seem to work out the colour of it. What was Hagrid feeling?

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