Chapter 4. Nixie's POV

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The next couple of weeks have been filled with Kimmy at my side and whispers in the halls about what happened at the party.
Apparently everyone thinks I'm crazy. Some people are even saying that Rachael is pissed that Jared was all over me at the party and she thinks I hexed him or some crazy shit like that. I couldn't care less though, it all amused me.
I haven't seen Josephine around much though, and whenever I do see her she doesn't even look like she's actually here.
"I'm worried about Jojo." I think aloud to Kimberly.
"You shouldn't worry so much. She can make her own choices. She'll come back anyway. You remember when you went off the rails for a couple of months?" Kimberly says to trying to ease my nerves.
"But that was just drinking. This isn't just drinking. She will come home reeking of alcohol but she won't look just drunk. She's lost a lot of weight to. You know she's always been thick." I start thinking over all the things adding up.
"She could be working out. Don't jump to conclusions. And maybe she's just tired. Don't immediately think the worst. She's always been a good girl." Kimberly is still trying to comfort me.
"Kimmy I went through her stuff the other day and I found a bag of cocaine, some pills, and acid. I'm scared ok? I don't know what to do. It's been going on for weeks now. It's every night."
"Just give her time." Kimmy says clearly not knowing what to say.
"It's been like 3 weeks and it's only getting worse. It only gets worse with time." I said immediately thinking of my mom but pushing it away. I won't let her go there. I'm not losing anyone else.
"Well I guess we gotta come up with a plan." She says as if reading my thoughts.
"I'm gonna follow her and Blair tonight. I'm gonna find out where they're goin every night." I say thinking it over.
"Do you want me to come with?" Kimmy says wanting to be there for me.
"No it's fine. We have school tomorrow, you don't need me to keep you up. I'll be fine." I smile weakly at her.
"You sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure" I smile.

As I lay in the dark cabin pulling my blanket over my clothes so nobody will get suspicious.
I listen closely for Josephine to creep out the door before I get out of bed.
I peep out the window and see how far they are. I go when they're far enough ahead but not so I far that I can't see them.
I stay on full alert following them till I watch them walk into an old building.
This is the same building Kimmy and I walk by everyday after school. It's been broken down for years. I've always wondered if people went in there.
My hands start to shake as I go to open the door. But before I do I compose my self and suck in a deep breath.
"Get yourself together Nixie. You can't walk in there all insecure gain your confidence. You got this."
I give myself a pep talk. But I couldn't help the feeling in my stomach that this was a bad idea.
I push past that and open the door despite everything in me urging me not too.
When I walk in, I take in my surroundings. It's a hole in the bar.

The music is loud and it's lot with black light. But even with the poor lighting I still notice everyone around was drinking and doing hardcore drugs. But that isn't what was making me feel like I wanted to throw up. I kind of expected the drugs. But I wasn't anywhere near prepared for this. There was a bright light shining over a ring.
But it wasn't just a fighting ring.
Whoever stepped in this ring turned into a wolf and fought the other person till one of them was dead .
I couldn't believe my eyes.
But when I saw Josephine step in the ring and turn, I couldn't watch anymore and I bolted out of there.

I leaned up on the side of the building my knees feeling weak as I try to catch my breath. I throw up everything that was in my stomach. I was disgusted and shocked and scared.

I noticed a shadow out of the corner of my eye and held my breath trying to calm my shaking hands.
When I look to where the shadow was, nothing is there.
But as soon as I turn around someone is standing in front of me. It's River Watson.
My breath hitches and I feel like crying.
His intense glare makes me freeze in fear. His tall muscular figure steps closer. He looks over at the throw up a couple feet away from me.
I feel my cheeks heat up as I see a faint smile on his lips.
"Want some gum?" He raises his eyebrows at me.
I gulp and can only nod my head. I take the gum from his hand and mumble a quiet thanks.
As of remembering something his expression becomes cold again.
"You're not one of us. I would have seen you before. Who the hell are you and why are you here?" His tone is demanding and firm.
"I-I'm Phoenix and I-I followed my sister here, I was worried about her." I mumbled under my breath.
An emotion flashes in his eyes but it's gone to quickly.
"Well I'm going to tell you this once. Don't come around her again and don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong." His jaw is clenched and his eyes are cold.
That's when I get a hold of myself and realize that nobody is allowed to talk to me like that. No one.
"No, you listen here-" I straightened my posture and get my voice back. "Nobody speaks to me like that. Especially some stuck up boy that thinks he can sit here and tell me what to do because he has a penis. Hell no. I'm worried about my sister and I won't let her become this empty cold shell like you!" I spit back fiercely.
Surprise crosses his face but he recovers quickly.
"I don't know who you think you're talking to Phoenix." He says as if my name is like acid. "But this is a warning. Do not come back." He is extremely close now and would intimidate the hell out of most people. But I'm not so easily pushed around.
"What are you going to do about it then tough guy?" I question crossing my arms.
When he has no response i respond saying "that's what I thought." And push past him.
He grabs my arm and turns me around.
"Not only will you have to worry about me but also everyone in there. Trust me you probably won't make it out alive if that happens. But I guess you'll have to learn the hard way." He says with a softer tone and let's my arm go.
"Then I guess I'm gonna need your help." I state.
Woohoo! Long chapter!
What do you think so far?
Do you think River is going to help Phoenix?
Tell me what you think so far?
Above is a picture of Blair by the way.

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