Chapter 7 Nixie's POV

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As I sit in class I find my self continually zoning out or tapping on my desk. A few people keep turning around and staring at me. But I honestly don't care. They can suck it up.
My mind is racing with all the possibilities of the "arrangements" for my sister tonight. I'm honestly terrified. The thought of intentionally hurting or scaring my sister makes my stomach twist in knots.
"You okay, Nixie?" Kimmy asks when she meets me before walking to lunch.
"Peachy." I smile.
"What happened? First you spend all night out and then River comes up and needs to speak to in private, now you look like your going to throw up." Kimmy looks seriously worried.
"I'm fine he's helping me get Jojo back in check thats all." I try to shrug it off not wanting to talk about it at school.
"That's all? Bullshit. Tell me what's going on." She deadpans.
"Look I can't exactly get into all the gory details at the moment, especially not at school."
She glares at me.
"I'm not giving up. You better tell me, Hall." She states firmly, emphasizing how serious she is with her tone.
"I will, Kimmy. I pinky promise." I give her a small smile while extending out my pinky finger.
She tries to hide her smile but fails horribly as she hooks her pinky around mine and laughs.
Finally the last bell of the day rings. I pack my stuff up and make my way to the school parking lot. Once I'm out there I realize I don't even know what car I'm looking for.
I feel really annoyed that I didn't ask earlier and confused on how I'm going to find his car.
My thoughts only last a couple of seconds before I see him pull up and yell at me to hop in.
He definitely didn't have a car I expected him to have. I thought he'd have some super rich car, but he just has an old black pick up truck.
Personally, I like it better. It suits him.
"Don't slam my door." Is his greeting when I hop in the car.
"Well good afternoon to you too sunshine." I say sarcastically, suppressing a laugh.
"I'm not in the mood Phoenix. So stay seated and stay silent."
At first I'm a little taken back that he actually knows my real name.
"Well what If I don't wanna be quiet?"
He just glares at me and mushes my face. "Shhhhhhhhh" he whispers while still mushing my face.
When I peal his hand off of my face I glare at him.
"What the hell crawled up your ass and died?"
"I don't know, wanna check for me?" He questions lifting his butt up towards me.
I slap his ass hard, and he turns and pouts at me.
"Are we gonna sit in the parking lot forever? Geez." I say looking up realizing were still in the school parking lot and people are looking at us weird considering his windows aren't tinted.
"Oh yeah. Oops I forgot." He shrugs and puts the car into ignition.
"I can tell you get your attention span from the dog side." I mumble and roll my eyes
"I also get my hearing from my dog side."
"Speaking of hearing, do you have any music?" I question snooping around his truck.
"No. I like to drive in silence so as hard as it is, stop talking to me."
I just glare at him.
After about two minutes I get really bored with the silence and start tapping and humming.
"Hmmm hmm hm hm.."
Tap tap tappity tap tap.
I see him clench his jaw which only makes me do it louder.
"Will you shut the fuck up now?! We're hear!" He finally snaps.
I start to laugh at his angry face.
"What's so funny now?"
"Oh nothing, just that you look like a constipated bull right now." I choke back a laugh before loosing it at his semi amused expression.
"Come on sweet cakes, we got to get these arrangements done. We don't have all day."
That was like a slap back into reality. Well fuck.
I nod and swallow the lump in my throat as I follow him into this cabin. When he pulls out a key and unlocks the door I realize that this is his house.
I step inside and and flick on the light.
Oh my god. This place is beautiful. The floor is wooden and clean, there are lots of large windows with white lacy curtains, a black leather couch, and a black coffee table with a glass top sitting on a white fluffy rug. Oh and there are lamps and candles everywhere. I love lamps and candles! They make everything so cozy!
"Hello, earth to Phoenix." River says snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Sorry, your house is just so beautiful." I saw in awe.
"And empty." He mumbles. Before I can say anything he grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs.
"Whoah their buddy, I think it's a bit early to be dragging me to your room. I mean I just found out that you knew my name." I joke trying to ease the knots forming in my stomach because of what were planning to do to Jojo.
He flat out ignores me before pulling me into some office.
"Sit." He orders before sitting down behind a desk.
I do as he says and take a seat in a big black chair opposite him. I look around noticing how empty it looks in here. There's two chairs like the one I am in, the chair River is sitting in, a desk, a balcony window, and some papers and pencils.
"What's Josephine's biggest fear?" He startles me when he speaks so suddenly.
"Uhm..." I start to fiddle with my fingers. "Death, I suppose." I say.
"You suppose? That doesn't sound so reassuring."
"Well I mean I think so. I thought I knew all about her till I found out what she's been doing. Now I don't know what she's scared of."
"Well death is usually a safe bet. Everyone's scared of dying." He shrugs, jotting something down.
"I'm not."
"I'm not scared to die."
"Why not?" I have his full attention.
"I don't know. Just something that doesn't scare me. I mean were all going to die, and I think there's something after death. There has to be." I say trying to explain my logic.
"Hmm I've never heard anyone think like that before." He stares at me for a minute before turning back to his pen and paper.
"Do you think she would be scared if she watched an innocent person die?" He asks so casually.
"W-what?!" I choke out between coughs.
"You heard me."
"I thought you don't believe in innocent people dying?" I narrow my eyes at him.
"I don't but doesn't stop it from happening."
"Yes she would she disgusted. Anyone would. Are you serious? You can't just go and kill an innocent person. You're mad!"
"Honey, calm down. There's a group of wolves that normally go out a prey on people. Where do you think all these "zombies" are going to?"
"Well yeah when someone dies but still that's not planned and those people get justice."
"Oh that's what they told you guys. Interesting." He laughs as if it's some private joke.
"What are you talking about?"
"You see, the protectors don't kill people. If a human is murdered by a werewolf, the zombies go to try and kill the wolf."
"But they're not always successful?" I question.
"Nope. The wolves are strong."
"So what exactly are you planning in that evil mind of yours?" I inquire.
"I will get one of the wolves to drag your sister along in one of the killings tonight and see how well she handles that."
"I swear you don't ever think things through. What if the zombies kill her?!"
"Trust me they won't I'll make sure they'll be protecting her."
"Fine but you better pinky promise."
"Pinky promise? What are you, five?" He stares at my extended pinky like it's an alien.
"Pinky promises are affective because if you break it, I get to break your pinky." I smirk.
He raises an eyebrow before hooking his pinky around mine tightly.
"I pinky promise, darling." He smiles to him self and soon I find myself grinning as well.
I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile
:( but I promise to stay on top of it. I love you guys for reading my book. Please leave feed back! I love interacting with you guys. <3
Btw up top is a picture of Nixies step mom, Janet.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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