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The whole team sat in the waiting room once again, Garica on her laptop, the others with case files. The case was local, and they still were trying to get a profile on the unsub so they could do it in the waiting room. At least that is what they kept telling themselves. No one was going to not be there for Reid though, not when as they sat around their case files, he was having the ventilator pulled from him.

"Ok, so we know this unsub likes parks, so shouldn't we put out a warning about that?" JJ asked, sitting down on the arm of one of the chairs, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"That could let him know we are onto him and he might bolt" Derek sighs, his head falling back and tapping against the wall.

"Ok, so, let's go over this again," Hotch starts, clapping his hands and standing up. He needed to keep the team focused and on track. 

"Agents?" A voice made them all stop and turn, Hotchner recognized the voice before he saw her, it was the same nurse from the other day, her strong voice was hard to mistake.

"Yes?" Hotchner was closest to her, as the team was quick to build up behind him.

"We are about to remove the vent, I thought i'd let you know, and then someone will come get you when he's able to have visitors again."

"Thank you very much" Hotch smiles at her, nodding his head in thanks, the rest of the team seemed to shift, it was good news that the doctors thought he was strong enough to be off the vent, but then what? 

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