Part 3

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                                      Chapter 3: Unwanted Suitor

"Vanora, good to see you!" he held out his hand to shake hers. Vanora glared at him and turned away.

Daniel cleared his throat and wiped his hands on his jeans. "Listen Vanora, your mother and I have plans here tonight. I bought you some tickets for a trip to the movie theater. Are any of your friends able to go with you?"

Vanora shrugged, "I don't know," then she added casually, "Maybe you should ask your girlfriend! You obviously have been chatting with my mom about my life!

"Vanora!" gasped her mother, "How dare you speak like—"

"I will speak to that creep any way I like! I don't care!"

Vanora stared at him, her eyes full of loathing and distrust. He knew she had seen him with that other woman. What would he do to her if he thought she had told her mom? Getting up, she stalked from the room.

"Where are you going?" her mother called.

Vanora didn't answer. She stomped out of the house, slamming the front door so hard that it bounced back open. She didn't bother going back to close it. She didn't care where her footsteps led her. She didn't care that it was getting late. She just wanted to get away...far away. A few minutes later, she saw that she was walking the familiar trail to her family's private beach spot. She had not been there since the day her dad had died. As she stepped out onto the white sand and looked out at the deep blue waves, a lump rose in her throat. This is where she lost her father. This place is where it happened. Taking off her shoes and socks, Vanora let her feet sink into the soft, damp sand. She breathed in the tangy salty air and watched the waves go back and forth.

She walked forward to the waves until they were up to her knees. Suddenly anger rose in her like a giant bubble of acid. It burned in her throat and muscles. She kicked the waves and yelled, "Where is my dad? You took him away! Give him back to me! Please!"

She fell onto her knees choking and sobbing, saying the same thing over and over, "Bring him back... please."

"Vanora," said a calm voice.

She raised her head, brushing her hair out of her face. It was Daniel.

"Get away from me!" screamed Vanora, "Get out of here!"

He smiled and came closer, "Vanora, your mother wants you back at the house."

"I'm not going back until she dumps you!" she snarled, "I know what you did! You aren't being faithful to her."

"Ah," he breathed and smiled maliciously, "You told her didn't you?"

"Of course I did," Vanora said, triumphantly, "And when she realizes you for what you truly are, she will dump you!"

"No, she won't," Daniel responded, calmly, "Because you won't be there to turn her against me anymore."

Vanora started away from him, suddenly terrified. Still trying to sound defiant she said, "And how are you going to stop me?"

"Oh that's not going to be a problem." He looked at her and smiled. Then he reached into his back pocket, pulled out a pistol, and clicked the hammer into place.

"You have such a hard life Vanora," he said, continuing to point the gun at her. "Losing your father and of course your fear of water. However, I'm afraid to say that your life...or what is left of it anyway, is about to get much worse."

"W-what do you want then?" asked Vanora shakily, stepping further back into the water.

He stepped closer and she kept backing up until the water reached her waist.

"Oh, this isn't about what I want," he said, his finger on the trigger. "This is about what It wants."

Vanora was about to ask what It was, but then she felt something familiar wrapping itself around her ankle. It was cold and clammy. She looked at Daniel terrified for one moment then the thing around her ankle yanked her beneath the waves. Her scream was cut short as her mouth filled with salty water. Then she was sinking down, down, down, just like her father. The last sound she heard was Daniel's malicious laughter.

Vanora opened her eyes as she was dragged downward. It was a trick her father had taught her to do. Bubbles escaped her mouth and floated towards the surface. Oh how she wished she could join them and get some air! Her lungs began to ache and her ears popped. She tried to scream, but who would hear her plea for help. Desperate for air, Vanora reached down and clawed at the tentacle wrapped around her ankle. She grasped it and tried to unwrap it, but the grip was as strong as ever. Vanora felt her body go limp and her vision blurred. Her arms and legs flopped and her brown hair floated around her face. In one last frantic attempt, Vanora raised her arm to upward where she could just see the sun. Just when she was about to pass out, she saw a dark shape swimming swiftly towards her. In a few moments, it was in front of her face. It was some kind of animal, with big curious brown eyes, a whiskery face, a sleek brown body, and flippers. It was a seal.

It swam around her, brushing her arms and legs with its slippery body. Then it nuzzled her cheeks. Vanora weakly laid her hand on the seal. It puts its face close to hers, so close its whiskers tickled her nose. Then it opened its mouth and breathed out a big bubble. The bubble floated towards her face and gently touched her face. Then it engulfed her nose and mouth.

Vanora gasped, "I can breathe!" She gulped in mouthfuls of air and her vision cleared. She looked around for the seal to thank it, but it had already disappeared. She began to feel her strength return. Maybe now that she could breathe, she would be able to pry the long tentacle off her ankle. She got a firm grasp around the tentacle, taking a deep breath from her air-bubble, she yanked it again and again and again. It didn't budge. Suddenly, another tentacle shot out from somewhere and wrapped around her chest, somehow pinning her arms behind her. She struggled.

"Stop struggling girl," said a sludgy voice. After these words, it made a click, click, click sound, as though it were snapping hungry jaws. Vanora stopped struggling. Who... or what had spoken?

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