Part 5

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                                                     Chapter 5

Vanora awoke, upside-down, hanging in midair over a pool of pitch-black water. For a second time that day, a headache slammed into Vanora's head. She tried to massage her temples, but her hands were tied behind her back. Vanora gazed around. Slimy seaweed coated the wet cave walls. Stalactites hung from the ceiling like extended fingers and the constant drip, drip, drip, of water echoed throughout the cave. Bleached white bones of fish victims scattered the floor. A crunching sound made Vanora turn to look around for the noise. Daniel was standing beneath her, his mocking smile plastered to his face. "So the prisoner has awakened at last," said Daniel, chuckling softly.

"Daniel please," begged Vanora, "let me go." A leaked out of her eye and dropped into her hair.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," said Daniel.

Vanora cried harder, dizziness made her light-headed. "PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!"

Daniel's smile faded, "I-I can't let you go."

Vanora's heart lifted. Was there some good left in Daniel's heart? Maybe he would let her go. "Please Daniel. You know my mother. It would break her heart if you let her husband and only daughter get killed."

"You don't understand," muttered Daniel, sounding angry now. "It was your father's fault that Kristin and I didn't get married. I had set up the date and everything to propose to her and then your dad moved in to town. She was smitten with him." Daniel looked away bitterly, "It's my turn to have revenge!"

"I don't understand," Vanora said, ignoring the pounding in her head. "I saw you kissing another woman. How could you love her and my mom?"

"I don't love her," snapped Daniel. "It was all part of the plan."

"What pla—"

"I knew that your mother had sent you for groceries, so I made sure that you would walk by at exactly the right time to see me kiss her."

"B-but why?"

"To create conflict between you and your mother of course. I knew you would tell your mother and that she wouldn't believe you."

Vanora stared dumbfounded.

"And there you have it. You got mad and ran towards the beach. I followed... and here we are."

Silence. The only sound was the echoing of water droplets dripping off the stalactites. Suddenly, the water below Vanora exploded, drenching her freezing in water.

Sixteen tentacles with sticky suction pads reached for her. A gaping mouth appeared and opened wide enough to swallow her whole. Vanora looked at Daniel, pleading with her eyes, "Help me," she whispered.

Daniel just turned away towards the creature, "Dinner is served."

The mouth snapped open and closed excitedly.

"Oh wait," said Daniel, slapping a hand to his forehead, "I almost forgot our other special guest that needs to be present." He turned and walked away.

As soon as he was gone, the giant monster spoke. "I am so honored to make your acquaintance Vanora," he said in a voice that suggested he was talking through a mouthful of sand.

Vanora tried not to gag as the stench of sea monster breath hit her like a slap. It smelled like gasoline and rotten fish. Her stomach heaved. Hanging upside-down by her legs and having hot smelly breath wafting up to her face, was not helping her stomach. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth to reply, she would be sick.

Daniel walked in, dragging the limp shape of her father across the floor. He propped her dad against the wall and secured the chain. Then he pulled out a cloth out of his pocket and held it under Brian's nose. Her father stirred.

"Ugh," groaned Brian, holding his head.

"Glad you could join us Brian," said Daniel cheerfully.

In response, Brian glared at him. Daniel didn't seem to notice. Vanora squirmed. She had been upside-down too long.

"Please," begged Vanora, "Turn me upright. If you don't, I-I'll pass out."

"Do it Daniel," said the monster.

Daniel snapped his fingers and instantly, Vanora was turned upright. Immediately, Vanora felt better. "How did you do that?" asked Vanora.

"That is not your concern Vanora," replied Daniel sternly.

"Hurry up slave!" screamed the monster, "Long have I awaited your part of the bargain."

Daniel looked scared for a moment. Then he said, "Of course." He snapped his fingers again. Vanora screamed as she suddenly plunged downward toward the open mouth. Down toward the stinking mouth that was about to swallow her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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