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When Ann and her husband Ted met, they were children who lived across the street from each other. They spent a lot of time together because their parents believed they would make a great couple once they were older, so that's exactly what happened. They believed they were made for each other since they had known each other from such a young age. As they grew together, so did their love. Once they both turned 16, Teddy proposed to Annie so they could get married before he would follow his father's footsteps and join the military in two years. They had a small, beautiful wedding with only close family and moved into a house together shortly after.

They spent a beautiful year and a half together. They spent time calmly painting the house together until Ted 'accidentally' got paint on Ann's cheek while they were painting the dining room walls. This of course started a paint fight that resulted in them rolling around in the mess on the floor like the teenagers they were. It took a lot of these instances before they finally finished painting all of the rooms in the house.

There was a moment where they danced in their unfurnished living room together. Ted had just bought a Zenith radio and wanted to test it out. He told Ann that the only way he could properly test the quality was if they danced to at least a couple songs. She laughed at his silliness but agreed nonetheless, which led to them dancing for hours until they collapsed to the floor in exhaustion and laughter. Then Teddy wrapped Annie in his arms on the hardwood floor that suddenly seemed soft as long as they were lying there together, and they slept under the soft light of the moon coming in through the window.

Ted loved to take Ann on dates, whether it was a simple dinner and a drive-in movie, a walk on the town, or an extravagant dinner. He did what she wanted. He loved to see her face light up when he would ask her if she wanted to go out. He loved to see her get all dressed up cause she always looked so damn gorgeous. With her short, curled blonde hair, her dark green eyes, and her painted red lips that only he knew were a light mauve color underneath. She was perfect to him. As he was to her.

His short blonde hair and blue eyes were enough to make her swoon every time he walked into a room. He was a tall man, standing at 6'3, which was quite a contrast compared to her 5'6 self, but they both thought it was quite cute. He was also quite muscular which was very attractive to Ann.

They were deeply in love and leaving each other never crossed their minds. They knew they were soulmates and that they were meant to be together for the rest of their lives... until a year and a half passed by.

And by God, did Ann wish that time hadn't passed by.

She wasn't exactly sure what caused it, but Ted seemed to grow sick and irritable with Ann's presence and had no shame in showing it. They both quickly realized that just because they grew up together, didn't mean they were meant for each other. Little things that Ann did would anger Ted. If she didn't clean his clothes exactly right, if his dinner wasn't cooked to his satisfaction, or even if she accidentally interrupted him when he was doing something as simple as reading the mail. She wondered if the increase in Ted's alcohol intake had something to do with it. It confused and scared Ann at the same time. She didn't show it though. She continued to give all her love and affection to Teddy, even if he didn't reciprocate it.

Annie observed her parents a lot when she was younger, and she took care of everything for Ted just like her mother had done for her father. His laundry, his meals, and all of the chores. That's just what she assumed her role was as a loving wife. She had never known anything else. Ann believed that deep in his heart he still felt love for her like he did when they were young, so she kept caring for her husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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