1. unknown entitys and world

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Sans shift and carrot sat at the old post in snowdin, enjoying the winter-like weather that's always there, and some bad puns like usual. There favorite food in hand, eating it, almost chocking as they laughed at the jokes.

Suddenly they started falling from the sky somehow, confused they all closed their eyes, feeling soft impact, odd.

They look around to see they are all now in PJs, in a nice sift bed in a room they havnt seen before, shift being the first to go out of her room to go see what's happening, seeing three more doors outside and stairs downstairs.

Sans was second, walking out to see what was going on, swing what shift saw, tho her eyes were brown instead of red like normal.

Carrot coming out last to see sans as human, his skin pale and hair wight, his eyes were black and not wearing his pink fluffy slippers, instead wearing some sneakers

Carrot looked in the mirror, seeing I'm looking the same as sans, but taller for sure, his hair messier, but shorter.

Everyone didn't know what to say, but then shift spoke up

"Guys, where do you think we are?" She asked, her voice as little more soft then usual, probably to hide any nervous tone that could spew out her mouth.

"I have no clue, but it seems were in a house of some sort..." Carrot answered shaky

"One thing I know for sure, is that we need to figure out where we are, and what were doing here" sans said looking confident. Has he been in another other world like this before??

"Alright, maybe check the rooms first, to find out what's up." Shift added, oddly everyone nodded.

They went into their room to find what ever was going, finding a back pack on each of the desks in there rooms, it had school supplies, one of their favorite foods in it, and a card, it was a school identification card.

Student name: skeleton sans
Age: 15
School:  idfk

Student name: skeleton papyrus
Gender: male
School: idfk

Student name: Dreemur chara
Gender: female
School: idfk

Oddly enough, it was odd that they had student identification cards, but for what? Shift looked in the drawrs to see a school outfit. She imedeatly cringed at the skirt and looked through more and found her jacket, and reis scarf. She sighed and walked out of her room.

Sans on the other hand went ahead and put on the school uniform and putting on his jacket as well as papyruses scarf walking out to see shift not ready for whatever was going on

Carrot putting on the uniform he got but not carding to put on the scarf and jacket, he's daring himself today, ain't he?

"Shift, don't you think we should get ready for the school were support to go to?" Sans asked, as papyrus stared her down

She sighed and went to get ready.

She comes out, in her uniform, her hair pulled back into a short pony, and her jacket and reis scarf on, she didn't look so happy, if anything, she looked more annoyed, kinda looking like a tsundere at the moment.

"Heh, shifty the tsundere?" Carrot asked shift, she got annoyed and growled slightly at him

"Shut the fuck up before my knife is the last thing you see" she threatens which made sans chuckle

He pulled up the cowardenance of the school, short cutting them all there, shift imedeatly looked at sans, scoffing upset.

"What's wrong shift? You to tsundere for this challenge?" Sans teased which made shift growl abit

"Oi, fuck off sans" she yelled turning from him, growling abit still.

"Shift, calm down, we don't need you getting yourself in trouble already" carrot pat shifts shoulder, making her sigh

"I guess your right carrot, we don't" shift calmed down and walked into the school the guys following her.

Everyone was so different, the trio was used to seeing monsters and not usually humans, no wonder why the skeletons had to be human for this adventure.

Every now and then there was weird looking monsters on a few others shoulders, maybe they had tiny monster pets or something.

Now what will happen in the future? Are they stuck? Are they free to go any time? Will they... Die there?

bad time trio (bad time trio meets noragami)Where stories live. Discover now