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In case you didn't read A/N. First few chapters suck. Please don't give up on the story. I will rewrite them once I finish the rest of the story :)

"So are you going to fight with us?" Dream asked. I sat uncomfortably in the chair i was in. The air in my kitchen has never been so stiff. I have talked to Dream a hundred times. This time was different. 

I looked at Dream, and then to my brother at his side. "Why do you need me? You know I'm not a fighter." I told him. Dream knows me, he knows I can  fight, but not enough to be in a war. 

"you are intimidating, to anyone who fights you."  Dream said. I mean i could act tough but is that enough of a reason to drag me into a war.

Finally George spoke up, "You aren't half bad with a bow either." Dang it George you were meant to say that maybe I shouldn't fight. 

Well I think there is no way out of this now, "Ok so if I join whatever pissing contest you are having, what will I get from it?" I asked.

"Knew you would turn to payment for this." How shallow does Dream think I am? "just know you will be rewarded handsomely for fighting with us." 

"Alright fine." I give up trying to fight. I am not going to be able to escape this war and I will most likely get more reward from Dream is I don't fight him, "But you have left out one key part in all of this."

Dream's expression didn't change, although it was hard to tell his expressions with a mask covering all of his face but his mouth. "And what did I forget?"

"Who are we fighting?" I mean it's better to enter a war knowing who you are fighting against.

"Suppose that is a good question. Wilbur, Fundy, Tubbo, and Tommy. They are trying to start a dumb nation" Dream explained. You are kidding me right. I wished I had asked this before I accepted.

I have severely screwed up. "So, now that I have accepted, what is your real plan?" I asked. 

"You are intimidating as I said before, but also you are friends with them. We can use that against them." He's joking right?

"So you are using me because of my friendships. That is fucked." I can not bellive this.

"Yeah." Dream explained. 

I have had enough of this. "Ok I accepted your deal. Now please leave."  I said sternly. Dream definitely wasn't going to fight me on this. He wouldn't want to risk losing me. He and George walked out and the air in the house got much lighter.

Awful Situation - Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now