Chapter 4: Feelings (Part I)

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If sleeping in the presence of other people really was a huge part of the hero gig, you were ready to give up right then and there.

The first two nights had gone fairly well, the only problem being the time you both slept at. While Tenya went to bed at around ten p.m. , you usually stayed up until twelve a.m. working on assignments you didn't have the time to finish during your internship.

You had tried not to keep him up and made sure all lights remained off, but the sound of your pencil scraping against your notebook in the silent night was enough to grind Tenyas gears. You both had to sit down and talk about your nightly work habits and, eventually, you came to the agreement that you would both work on homework together before curfew.

That being said, mornings were just as hellish. While you were a late-sleeper, Tenya was an early-riser, getting up at about five a.m. in order to go on morning jogs.

You really couldn't care less about his early runs, it was the fact that he had to maneuver over your limp body in the floor that pissed you off more than anything. He was never quiet, always humming or stomping around as he narrowly avoided stepping on your face. As soon as he left, you were up and cranky, throughly pissed on having to miss two more hours of sleep due to his loud nature.

The worst part of sleeping in the same room was when Tenya felt compelled to work out in there. Not only did that mean you were bound to be woken up, it also meant that the first thing you see in the morning was him working up a sweat in the minimal space the room provided. Right next to your makeshift bed.

While it wasn't too bad (waking up to a sight like that), it quickly became exhausting as soon as the middle of the week hit.

Your group wasn't the only ones struggling, if the bags under everyone's eyes was anything to go off of, and you felt your heart go out to your Sensei. The poor guy was so damn sleep deprived, you could only wonder the type of nightmare the Pro Hero went through when he was sent on surprise missions with others.

That feeling quickly dissipated when you saw that Aizawa was barely holding it together, trying but failing to mask the obvious humor he found in the situation. Maybe you would skip the next couple of classes with Mina, if only to get that creepy grin out of your mind.

Those thoughts continued to plague you through the day, ignoring the flurry of conversations around you as you tried to analyze what to expect for the rest of the month. You've had no other complications with Tenya so far, but you knew you'd hit a roadblock eventually.

You tried not to sigh heavily at the slow turn of time, hoping beyond hope that the end of the month would come quicker than usual. You craved your own bed- cold, wrinkled bedsheets and all. You had only been gone for about three days and already you could feel your determination dwindling.

The only good thing about your week so far had been the off days that Manual had given you from your internship. You had thanked the man to the moon and back for the opportunity to catch up on work and sleep, but even that was short lived in Tenyas presence. He had also been given a few days off from his own work, so any thought of having alone time was off the table. Sure you could have gone anywhere else but the dorm rooms had always been a safe place for you. You weren't going to change up your whole routine just because of a measly month assignment.

Finally, the bell rang overhead, declaring that your last class of the day was over. You had been so deep in thought you hadn't even noticed what time it was.

You made your way to the dorms, slight pep in your step at the idea of sleep. Of course, you'd do some chores and homework before settling in, but going to bed was the overall end goal. You had been given days off work for a reason, thank you very much.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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