Waking up.

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When I first woke up on the soft mattress in the rooms of Mystic Quarters I was sure I died somehow and got taken to Valhalla for some reason. Well, that was the most logical thing to think after meeting the Norse heroes. But I don't remember dying or anything as the last thing I remember doing was get out of our Academia's library. There isn't any chance of doing anything heroic enough to be taken to Valhalla outside of Lux Princeps' Library. So I was Hela (pun intended) confused.

Great, I again started talking without any introduction, and I probably would've ended the story without even properly introducing myself to the readers and you'd call me 'Mr. who didn't mention his name' for the rest of the story ( and nightmare for me)? Even if I didn't mention my name my friend who took up the time to edit and make it more reader-worthy would give you the needed intel.

(No, Wain, I'm not stalling. It's more like I got 'carried away'. Shut up! No, not literally! It's figuratively, Damn you!)

Okay, I'll say my name then. I'm Rod Le'strange, son of Athena, one of the Blessed, and the heir to the Estranger. I have a female twin who's back in my home mythological land. My father is the current head of Estranger, that is until I come of age to demand power from him. He's a child of Hecate, the Titaness of magic, and the delegate of our world in the Mystic.

After waking up I found myself in a blue dress robe that reached two inches or so below my knees and loose sleeves with a pair of similar trousers. I felt uncomfortable in that thing. It's light as a handkerchief, letting the cool air hit my body. I hate light clothing. I always used to stack up with clothes, even in summer or warm weather. But this cl0othing left me next to naked. After I was done criticizing my clothing I looked around the room. It was as large as one of the arcades in the downtown, which is equivalent to calling it large with three mattresses on three ends and two doors on the opposite wall. One thing I can spot is a head of dark curls drowned in a lot of feathery mattresses and silk hair. The fair-haired one is recognizable as I've bid him goodnight just last night and so unforgettable. Ash Lynx. My half brother. No! My father didn't cheat on Athena! It's more like he's one of Athena's children. The other person though is someone I don't know.

I get up and walk to Ash's bed on wobbly feet. He was passed out on his stomach, which explains the hair being prominent. His face facing left and he's in a similar outfit. I press my palm on his shoulders that feel like bricks and shake him with a sharp tug, a simple signal we've developed among us three, me, Ash, and Roda last summer. We'd gone out to take back the veil of Isis from the Ocean's children, Kymopoleia's daughter and Medusa and Poseidon's son, the golden sword, Chrysaor. The ocean monstrosities wanted to wreak havoc by tearing the veil between the mortal and supernatural worlds. We had to go cross country and needed the help of the Egyptian magicians to forge it back to power so the supernatural world didn't cause havoc in the US and the Norse heroes to help us cover a bit more ground along with the Roman camp. But that's a story for sometime else. Right now, let's see what my brother has to say about this place.

Just as expected he sprang up from the mattress and landed on the floor in a crouching position. (No wonder they call him Lynx.) He looked around in an unstable and alert gaze, assessing what the danger is and then stepped towards me when the situation didn't look threatening to him.

"What happened? Did we get kidnapped?"

"Looks like it. Or maybe father's playing a joke on us?"

"I doubt that douche has any pranks for us. He's an asshat, sure, but in my opinion, he isn't the one for jokes or petty games," got that right.

"So, by whom then? No one else we know would try that and not lock us up in a cellar which stinks. So we can rule them out." I respond.

He runs a hand in his hair while thinking and flattens his robe as if trying to get the crease off of it which was absent in the fabric. "I think we're going to find out after the third inhabitant wakes up. I'm gonna wake him up." He takes a step to the bed with the dark-haired guy.

A Mythological MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora