🎟️❣️Couples Contest❣️🎟️

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(also please take note of the song above as it's absolutely perfect for this!)

Hello there readers of mine! So as you're probably aware, we just hit 12k views on Guns and Roses along with over 600 votes and comments! On top of that, we are a little over a week away from the release of the super awesome prequel book, Blooming Roses. So to celebrate, I have thought of a fun lil activity to do with you guys in the spirit of the holidays: a Cupid's Couples Contest!

Now, I've had a few readers ask about ships, and I admit I don't tend to fill my stories with rOmAnCe for a number of reasons. However, I know some readers expect that, and to get me off the hook from writing ships in the future I've devised a brilliant sceme— I mean fun activity, for all of you. I consider myself not the best at writing fluff or lOvE, so I figured the best way to do this would be to let my readers choose some of the contests.

Here's how this will work: you all can tell me ships you like/want to see, headcannons about them, and/or any ideas you've thought of fitting with the theme. (Obvious exceptions apply; ex: no adult x minor) If you submit a couple for the contest, I will write up headcannons for them and include them in the official contest that I will publish later. So for now, all you lads, lasses, and loves need to do is send in any ships, headcannons, or ideas that you like in the story. Easy, right?

Ideally, I would prefer the couples include OCs or one OC, as it would be the easiest to write headcannons for. I will be accepting OCs x cannon characters, OCs x OCs, or I'll even accept my OCs shipped with you own if you have any. I would also really appreciate any reasoning behind why you ship the characters to give me something to work with. I will publish the form below for y'all to fill out as many times as you'd like. Feel free to ask questions and give suggestions for anything! Once again, thank you guys so much, and I hope you enjoy this activity!

Disclaimer: just because you send in a couple or a couple is in the contest, does not mean the ship is cannon. This is a strictly fannon activity to have some fun with you guys. The majority of the couples mentioned will not be cannon in my books as I still don't plan to center around romance in my books.

• Characters shipped:
• Ship name (optional):
• Reasoning behind ship:
• Headcannons (optional):
• Permission to tag you/ask about the couple?

Until next time loves, and I will see you all real soon ≈

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