chapter 2

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Date : 4 april 2018

Hi pie,

Like you know im not a morning person at all. I mean who does like morning by the way and people like me who sleep at the 3'oclock of morning would never prefer morning.

You might be thinking what this girl does at 3'oclock so, guys let me tell you that Im a great fan of Wattpad stories so yeah I read them.

So lets start from morning which bless me with this stupid alarm.. okk so let start

finaly I woke up from my annoying alarm clock sound which ringing on from past 10 mintues, poor soul so finally I decided to wake up and off that piece of shit.. Too good words for start the morning.

I don't want to go school, let me correct I don't want to go my new school but I have to if I want to go a college next year.

And bless me I already late, shit dude,

Honey came fast for breakfast, my dad morning voice boomed in my ears. Like me he also not a morning person.

Yeah coming in 20 min dad.

So yah in 20 min I do my chores like bath,dress etc .im quite impressed by myself hahha kidding. Its just I choosed my dress at night that what to wear so I don't get stressesd at morning. So yeah im ready now.

Here we go then. I did pretty good job with my dressup. I mean that im not that much bad in styling that much people think me thought.

Blessed my poor eyes mom dad ahhh they making out at the kitchen. When they will Grow up.

They both are childhood lovers and there chemistry so much present till now.

Kids find a room please and I said in annoyed voice and they just laughted at me.

Ahhhh! here came mood spoiler my dad remarked me by laughing... serioulsly dad... kiddidng kiddo.

Im doing my breakfast when my dad asked me about the school. On the serious note I don't want to talk about the school and I know my mom told him about school.

Same dad nothing new here too, my dad just sigh and give light smile and said just gives time to them very thing will got change sweetie.

I love my parents they always motivated me towared the life and hopes. They are every thing to me.

Reaching once at the school. I don't have any high hopes regarding making a friends because I tried and it always got failed. So I will go with the flow.

So guess what happened at the school pie! you will not believe me if I tell you so today one girl came to me and talked to me woohhh and in serious note I feel so good.

Her name is Kristine and she pretty like some super model with great legs and body. I think she may be 5'6 in height. Her pink color hair give her angel look which look superb on her.

The good thing is that she is with me in most of the my classes which is good thing and she smart too. She had also not much friend but not like me who had no friend hahha..

Her friend is absent today her name is rosy so Im expecting to meet her tomorrow may be. I had good day today so I think I can make some memories in last year of school.

But not making my expectation so high anything happened in yeah pretty nice day so far.

Bye pie..

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Date : 5th April 2018

Hello pie,

So, today I met Rosy she is so pretty like if rose is super model then she is little more gorgeous whoo how they both are not elite group members.

Her personality is bold which I like about her and ROSE in cheerleading team which is not shocking to me, I mean look her body definetly she will be a member of cheerleading. Her long and shiny brown hair and killer looks.

Rose kinda looks like those means girls but like we say don't judge the book with its covers here goes the same.

Me, Kris and rosy talked a lot today and we had similar classes too which great thing. I don't feel lonely now because of them.

I told them about my past school and they told me that who are they to think like about you those people actually a fake who do anything to came in limelight of high school life.

So don't be bother to them. And yeah I know somewhere they both are right.
Why I'm always think about them who don't like me or care about me.

That's for today and I think it's enough for you to digest.

Ohk enough for today I had lot of work to do.

Bye pie

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After a two week

Date: 20 April 2018

Hie pie

Yeah I'm sorry for not updating you about my life but actually I got little bit busy these days but promise I will update you regular from now.

So, yeah things going smoothly right now and my friendship with rosy and Kris blooming day by day. School being school I got so much work these days that you cant think hehe so dramatic of me right.

But think are good and im enjoying this and yeah everything fine rn.

Bye pie
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Date: 21 april 2018

Hy pie

You will not believe me if I tell you something because I don't believe till now. How can its possible right.! so not make so much suspense Im giving you answer that today one handsome and smart guy came to talked to me yeah you heard right a guy.

Im not believing that he is so smart and good looking and he came to talk to me. His name is Ryan william and he is so smart guy of school mean every girl ready to jump on him but he came to me to talk.

Like really im still in shock you know.

When he came and sit beside me at lunch I though he came for rosy because she is in cheerleading team and he play football so you know what I mean right but he came for me and said hy to me and his voice is so sexy and that time my brain stop working and nervousness on peak.

For 10 min I'm like you talking to me are you sure. But when he said again hi so I came back in reality that yeah he talking to me.

Nervously I nodded to him and said hi back. Then he asked me that did you are new here but seeing me so nervous rosy gave my answer to him that she new here in this school for past 2 weeks Ryan and you noticing her right now.

Get lost ryan from here what you wanted now? Chasing your new target huh just get lost from here?

Rose said to him with so much hate that you cant belivie me... Ryan seems bad news to me and I should keep maintain my distance to him now. But he not buzzed from my side and give a smirk to us and said in his full charm to looking my way, Yeah you right rosy im dumb that I don't notice this pretty beauty at first its my bad and left us by winking at me.

My face is whole red and I smiling like a stupid girl and who will not he is Ryan Will after all.

But my smile shatter when rosy and Kris told me keep distance to him because he is bad news. I want to asked them why, what they mean by that but lunch got over and they told me later but be afar to him.

So I will talked them tomorrow what they both mean by that and yeah pie im not believing that ryan talked to me.

Bye pie.

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