Chapter 2

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The cold floor was a bliss to Anakins blistered feet. After traveling to the planet of Tatooine with his master Obi-Wan Kenobi he had horrible pains in his feet from all the walking. He rose up and slipped on a robe and walked out into the living room of his apartment. Speeders of all shapes and sizes flew by the balcony and large windows. Anakin looked down after hearing the subtle beep of his holo-communicator. He picked up and quickly a man with a beard and medium auburn hair materialised on the small disk.
"Master." Anakin said respectably. He quickly slid up the volume to hear his master.
"Well it seems as though you just woke up." The man said with a smirk. "I've been attempting to reach you all morning and nothing."
"I apologise master, that last mission left me in a less desirable state." Anakin chuckled as he saw his secret wife Padme come out of her room and lazily stomp towards the bathroom.

Wolf stood on the balcony listing intently to the young mans conversation. He had been personally assigned by the chancellor to eavesdrop on a Jedi knight known as Anakin Skywalker. He continued to listen as he saw the dark haired man end the call and put down the communicator. He hastily lowered himself to the floor as the man looked his way.

Anakin had just finished the call. He planned to surprise Padme with a delicious breakfast. He turned around smiling and he thought he just saw the tip of a white helmet lower down outside on his balcony.

Oh no. Had he seen him? He quickly lowered himself to the patio of a vacant lot bellow. He landed with a sharp this and quickly pressed himself against the wall.

Anakin leaned over his balcony swearing he just heard a this but dismissed it and walked inside to start cooking some delicious bantha bacon.

The trooper promptly stood up upon hearing the Jedi's foot steps lead away. He pulled out a disk similar to the Jedi's and pressed a few buttons. Moments later a figure in a black hood appeared on the small disk.
"My lord." the soldier said respectfully. "The Jedi is living with senator Padme Amidala. The Jedi I believe may have been aware of my presence." The dark cloaked man stood there thinking.
"He is no trouble." He said in a raspy but high in authority voice. "Their love may continue report back as soon as possible." The soldier nodded respectfully and slid the disk back into his pouch. This was going to be a long trip.

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