Chapter 9

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Mel felt the sting of a heavy foot connecting to her. She hit the ground and reached for her other saber. It was gone. Then, at the same moment she felt a soft sting in her back. A dart of some kind had connected with her back. At that moment she felt a slight dizziness. The fool had tried to tranquilize her! She was a Jedi! She would not allow any weakness. The man identified earlier as "Will" noticed her begin to rise. His face was priceless thought Mel. She stood and raised her hand. This was a forbidden practice and she knew it. However, she did not care. She gripped with her hand and the man groped at his throat. He slowly rose in the air.

Wolf felt at his throat and felt a searing pain as it closes itself. The women he thought to be Jedi was using a Sith tactic! Interesting. Wolf smiled feeding her rage. He knew Sith fed on rage however there was always a price. Wolf checked his surroundings. He noticed a commotion at the entrance of the Palace! He would use this to his advantage...

Mel smiled as she felt her rage flow through her veins. The threat was neutralized. She could dispose of him now. Mel flicked her wrist to the left and Wolf flew through the air spinning towards a palace wall. SMASH the wall cracked from the sheer force of the throw. The man had no chance of survival. His bones had been crushed to dust thought Mel. She turned towards the now smoldering wreckage of her speeder. No matter, she had reached her destination. Mel turned to face the palace and noticed a group of concerned civilians crowding the entrance fighting, to get in. Mel smiled. This would make the process of entering much easier. However she had bigger problems... out of the corner of her eye she noticed a small group of bandits speaking to a tall man. The man pointed in her general direction but by then she already had her hood on and was in the crowd.

Wolf writhed in agony and pain! His bones felt completely shattered! The Jedi had flung her a considerable distance, but the momentum of the throw stayed. Wolf thought of how she only flicked her wrist at him and he had flew that far... At that moment Wolf attempted to rise but fell down once again only to black out in pain...

"Thats him alright." Once of the bandits sneered. "Once we capture him our pocket 'ill be loaded with credits!" The bandit smiled a dark smile and gestured for his gang to follow him. They walked across the sand to the crumpled body of the soldier.

"'Ey boss, this guy is THE guy who assassinated all those HVTs?" another bandit rang out.

"Don't under estimate 'da man." The leader said. He was a tall muscular human with a robotic left arm. "Just because we're taking him doesn't mean we disrespect him. Without him we wouldn't have this job." The other bandits mumbled in agreement and assisted the man in lifting Wolf. Their mission was quite simple. Take the target to the Hutt, drop him off, and get paid in full. That's all that the job entailed...

Mel snuck past the crowd into the palace. She still had a job to do. A target was to be kid napped and brought to the local Hutt for payment. However the target had plenty of experience with the Galactic Empire and was very important. Mel looked around her for any sign of who she should look for. Suddenly dread filled her body. The had a horrible feeling in the force and felt the pain of thousands of people, but who? Mel quickly looked around for any way to contact the Jedi Order as to gain information. Luckily she noticed a holo-communicator attached loosely to a man's belt. With the force she pulled it to her and punched in the secret temple code. The communicator attempted to make a connection. Suddenly it was picked it up and the sound of blaster fire could be heard.

"Hello!?" Mel's panic voice rang out loud and clear in the palace.

"Jedi Knight Mel, is that you?" a young voice asked. "If it is please stay away from the temple the clones are attac- PPHEM! The clear sound of screams and a lightsaber could be heard from the end. Mel panicked and yelled but then she felt an extreme pain in her heart... she felt the pain of... children.



Thank you everyone for reading this chapter, chapter 10 can be expected by next friday! Peace out and stay saucy peeps , peace!

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