Chapter 3

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Wolf dropped the holo-communicator and step towards the edge of the balcony... He jumped. As he fell his hand reached towards his left forearm and pressed a few buttons. At the last button press a speeder flew out of nowhere directly under him. His sore gloved hands gripped the handles and not so gently pushed the gas flying with a loud buzz.

A few hours later Wolf's speeder began to beep signalling it needed fuel. He turned into a gas station of sorts on the outer dock of Coruscant. He pulled up to the small deck and hopped off onto it.

"Eey friend!?" A small gungan stood at the counter. "Mesa gots a deal for you! Two-sa gallons for the price of one!" The gungan finished his sentence with a smile that only a business man could have.

"How about I get the fuel for free or get you arrested for treason." Wolf spat. He loves to be able to be in control of everyone. The gungan obviously shocked agreed hastily to give it to him for free. He smirked as he walked away but quickly spun around, pulled out his blaster,and shot him. The gungan went down with a gurgle...

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