Episode 1 Blood Water

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My Phone Starts ringing.

Ringtone: Lately I feel so alone I don't even know why I have a phone-

I wake up and answer it.

Alex: I was sl-sleeping what do you...... want?

???: Alex its Jotara wake up me and Kakyoin have been waiting outside for you for..... half an hour.

Alex: Why i-it's Sunday?

Jotara: No it's Monday get your ass up we have school.

Alex: You're fucking with me it's Sunday I'm going back to.............

I fell back asleep. Not even 5 minutes later Jotara kicks my door in causing me to jolt awake and Jotara to see my unclothed torso.

Jotara: Jesus you look disgusting, no wonder why girls don't like you.

I was really hurt by that actually, I look down at my phone with my hair covering my face, finding out it was Monday.

Alex: Yeah yeah, thanks for the confidence booster. Now get the fuck out of my house so I can look even more disgusting with clothes on.

Jotara: Tch...... I didn't mean it like that A-

Alex: No don't try to make me feel better you say what you mean and mean what you say. Now get the fuck outta my house and go to school with your shitty boyfriend, don't wait for me.

Jotara: Whatever there's another reason you're a-

Alex: I know I'm a disgusting prick, a sarcastic asshole, an emo bambino. I've heard it all before don't act like you're sorry because I know you're not. You hate me you hated me ever since Kakyoin introduced us to each other. I've heard what you say and think about me so don't sugar coat it.

Jotara is speechless she was gonna say something but decided against it. when I heard her leave the house I sat there and just did nothing.

I'm a fucking idiot.... there goes any chance I had with her. I knew she thought I was disgusting and that she had zero interest in me, but I guess knowing and having it said to your face is different.

I got up and dressed myself and left for school. I saw that Kakyoin and Jotara were still standing there.

Alex: What are you assholes still doing here.

Kakyoin: Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Alex: Well you have you're pretty little princess to thank for that. I'm walking alone don't walk with me.

I walk off on my own to the bus stop. While listening to my music and I started rapping along with it. Until she came along.

???: Well if it isn't the wannabe rapper?

That's right she moved into my neighborhood like 2 days ago. Fuck my life. Maybe if I ignore her she'll leave me alone.

Alex: My name is marsh and this world I'm out of it, with all this abc shit it's starting to feel like alphabet, ha I kill me this medicines counterfeit how'd I get hooked up on this Valium shit-

I got slammed into a wall by her and pinned there.

???: Don't fucking ignore me you useless bastard.

Alex: Fine Hello Dea how's your morning? Would you like a foot rub or a complementary coffee for existing?

Dea: No shut up you already pissed me off once, if you piss me off again there will be another type of pain you'll go through~

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