Episode 2 Marsh

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Alex's P.O.V.

Me and Jean got off the bus and went to the gym where the rest of our group is. We walked up to my cousin Okayasu and his best friend Josue Higashikata.

Alex: Hey Brother!

Okayasu: Alex! So did you and Jean get together yet?

Josue: Yeah did you guys?

Me and Jean look at each other and started laughing our asses off.

Josue: What? What's so funny?

Alex: She's like my sister! I wouldn't go out with her if I was desperate enough to the point where I'd ask out prostitutes.

Jean: I'd rather die than be with him! No offense.

Alex: Little taken.

We sat down with them and started to talk about whatever that came to mind. When eventually the other 2 members of our group showed up.

Alex: Took you guys long enough. What were you guys doing having a quickie in the locker room?

Jotara looked me in the eyes with pure hatred, while Kakyoin started laughing and said.

Kakyoin: She wishes. We were actually at the gaming clubroom. They also told me to tell you that there was a Mortal Kombat 11 tournament coming up and that they wanted you to be apart of it.

Alex: Bet when is it?

Kakyoin: This Friday. Winner gets a trophy and gets a grand prize of 2 Million dollars!

Alex: 2 MILL! Sign me the fuck up!

Kakyoin: I knew you'd do it. So practice you'll need it SonicFox is gonna be there.

Alex: Practice never heard of her. I always play so I don't need it.

Kakyoin: Whatever you say.

After that we all just talked about the tournament. What I'd do with prize money and whatever else came to mind, whenever we were talking sometimes I'd catch Jotara look at me while blushing.

Huh weird.

Okayasu: Alex are ok you look Anxious.

Alex: Bro I'm always anxious I just think I forgot to take my meds. I'll be fine don't worry about me.

Jean: Aren't you on medication?

Alex: Yeah but I probably missed my night meds last night I'm cool though.

I then get slapped across the back of the head considering how hard it was it was most likely Jotaras Star Platinum.

Alex: The fuck JoJo?!

Jotara: You know Damn well why. TAKE YOUR FUCKING MEDS!

Alex: Why the fuck do you care.

Jotara: Because...... Shut up....

Kakyoin: What happened between you guys?

Alex: Bro it's really better if you don't worry about it.

Jotara: Yeah......

Kakyoin: Ok

It was awkward from then on until Okayasu decided to be an idiot and thank god he did.

Okayasu: Hey guys do you know where my phone went? I can't find it?

The damn phone was in his hand, me and Jean started laughing our asses off, Josie facepalmed, Kakyoin tried not laugh... and failed miserably, Jotara just looked at him with the "You're a fucking idiot look".

Alex: Bro have you looked at your hand?

I said while wheezing.

Okayasu looked in his hand.

Okayasu: Oh. I FOUND IT!

This just made me, Kakyoin, and Jean laugh more. Then we were dismissed from the gym and sent to our classes. Me and Jotara had the same class so we walked together.

Jotara: Alex I'm sorry........ I know what you said but-

Alex: No don't we both are at fault here. So let's just forget about it. Besides now I know how you really feel about me.

Jotara: Huh?

Alex: Look it's clear you don't like me never have never did. But you care, that's why you're apologizing unless. Kakyoin put you up to this but I honestly don't care why you are. I was stupid to think I ever had the slightest chance of being with you.

I mumbled the last part but I think she may of heard me.

Jotara: What?! What do you mean having the slightest chance on being with me?

Alex: Shit you heard it. Heh yeah let's just go to class and forget you ever heard me utter those words. No need to rub salt in the wound right?

Jotara: Wait Al-

Before she could say anything we walked into class and it started. We sat on opposite sides of the classroom but the bad thing was Dea is also in this class and well she sat directly to the left of me. I got the window seat but she was assigned to sit here because she and Jotara get in so many fights.

Dea: Hey Alex~ How's my favorite victim~

She said while gliding her hand over my crotch.  She was trying to seduce me and was succeeding.

Dea: What do you say after class me and you go to the bathroom and............ have sex~?

My face was more red than the cherries Kakyoin goes down on.

Alex: A-Are y-you serious? Y-Your n-n-not pranking me?

Dea: No I'm dead serious. I want my first to be with you~

She then got super close to my ear and whispered in a very seductive tone.

Dea: All of my firsts~

I looked like my head was gonna explode, but this only fueled the Dea's lust more by 20 fold.

Dea: Fuck this I can't wait anymore.

She grabs me by the arm and takes me to the girls bathroom while flipping off the teacher. When we get in there the first thing that she does is open a stall and drags me in. We started making out for a good while, today has been going from the worst day to the best day of my life. Just when we were about to finish with the foreplay. Jotara kicked down the stall door.


She knocks Dea out and looks at me and sees my pants pulled down and my dick hard and out.

Jotara starts blushing madly and does something I'd never expect from her. She pulls Dea's unconscious body out of the stall and goes in.

Alex: Jotara what are you doing? You and Kakyoin are dating?

Jotara: N-Not anymore he thought I cheated on him with you. Even when we were dating he never pleasured me, I would pleasure him but he would never do the same. So I stopped pleasuring him. I'm craving dick, so please let me blow you.

Alex: Alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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