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She carefully avoided the broken glass, some of the glass crunching under her steps. Bird could feel her heart pounding, wanting to make the call and get the hell out. She knew that Blue himself was at the show, but she was sure that someone must have heard the glass break. 

Bird reached out and swiped the phone off of Blue's desk, her shaking hands starting to dial the three digit number. She was about to click the call button when she heard the door creak. 

Blue eyes wide, she glanced over towards the door to the girl standing there. She was one of the girls she had seen around before, her eyes wide and mouth agape. 

"W-What are you doing?" she asked quietly, "I heard the glass shatter, and I was worried that someone had gotten hurt."

"Please," Bird said, "you have to let me make this phone call-"

"Who are you calling?" the girl asked, Bird starting to panic. She knew the longer she stood there talking to the girl, the smaller and smaller her window of opportunity got. 

"I'm making a phone call that will get all of us out of here, to proper intitutes that will heal us," Bird said, pressing the call button on the phone. The girl stared at her, then glanced at something beside her. 

"H-Hey!" she called, "someone broke into Blue's office!"

No! Bird thought, quickly moving to a safe place and pressed the phone to her ear. 

"Hello, what is your emergency?" 

Bird saw an orderly walk into the room, his eyes narrowing as he moved around the glass on the floor. 

"Help me!" Bird said into the voice, her voice panicked and shaky, "I am a mental patient at Lennox Mental Hospital and-" 

Bird had been backing herself farther into Blue's desk, but it was to no use. The orderly ripped the phone away from her, another orderly walked into the office and grabbed her as the other one talked to the police on the phone. 

"I assure you, there is no emergency," Bird heard him say as her arms were held behind her back, "she's a mental patient."

Bird let out an angry cry, thrashing around in her hold. She quickly lifted her leg up and kicked back, hoping to hit something. Luckily for her, the orderly wasn't prepared for that and she landed a clean shot to his groin in her pointed heels. 

He let out a yell, releasing Bird. She quickly tried to turn to get the phone back when her ankle buckled, bending at an odd angle. She felt herself falling, Bird's hands reaching out for something to grab onto. 

She hit the floor hard, white hot pain shooting up her back and across her shoulders. She landed right on top of the glass, letting out a yowl of pain as she tried to push herself up again. 

"Shit," the orderly cursed, now off the phone, "come on, get up," he said, pulling her up onto her feet again. Bird looked over at the girl, who was staring back at her with wide eyes and her hand over her mouth. 

"What is going on here?" Bird heard that familiar voice that made her skin crawl. Blue was walking down the hall with angry strides, Bird not bothering to look up. She failed this time, but that doesn't mean she won't stop trying. They would have to kill her. 

"Bird broke into your office and tried to make a phone call to the police, but we caught her before she could make some damage."

She heard Blue sigh, coming to stand in front of her. Bird looked up to him with a wince as her back stung, Blue's eyes were hard and showed a terrifying rage. Bird felt herself gathering some spit in the front of her mouth. 

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