"There's No Business Like Show Business"

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Storm looked back at Candy with blood shot eyes. Her back was faced to the ceiling with blood smeared everywhere. Candy stopped her rage and looked at Storm with open eyes. Fairy went back to what she was doing which was trying to clean up Storm who was hyperventilating.

“Wh ….What happened?” Candy asked, her tone of voice had changed from the last time she had spoken, what was once and scream had become a cautious and sorry.

“Blue is what happened.” Fairy said, dipping the rag into a bowl of water and washing the blood away. “I’ll tell you what happened.”

Candy sat down on the opposite bed and looked at Storm who kept her head down in the pillow.

“I was coming back from the dressing room after my fitting and I happened to pass by Blue's office. The door was open a little bit and I could hear things falling onto the ground. So, I did what any person would do and have a peek. What I saw was Blue pushing Storm onto the desk and ripping the back of her top, unbuckling her bra. Storms head turned towards me in despair, her eyes where full of pain. Blue picked up a pair of scissors and cut away at her back. Then he started yelling ‘you where suppose to kill that bitch! But, what did you do? You just knocked her out!’ Storm didn’t say anything she just started to cry ‘and you have been fooling around with Frost haven’t you, You little Slut!’ then, Blue had his way with her. I couldn’t bear to look but I did not move from the door. I waited until Storm came out completely naked, her body covered in blood. She grabbed onto me for dear life, I was leading her down the hallway when Blue’s head popped out he, too, was covered in blood. ‘Fairy, get her cleaned up before the show. After that were putting her in the closet.’ I nodded my head and then I brought her here.” Fairy said, whipping off the last bit of blood from Storm’s back. All was left was a massive scar with Blue’s initials ‘B.J’

“Oh, Storm.” Candy said, not knowing what to say. All the rage had gone, she to could remember when Blue had dragged her into his office.  I now know why she did those things; she was frightened of what Blue might do to her if she said no to him.

“Candy, I had no choice. I’m so sorry.” Storm said, sitting up. “He was going to….”

“You don’t have to explain. I know. And last time we didn’t forgive someone for siding with Blue, we regretted it. We’re going to get out of here and get the police.” Candy said walking over to Storm and putting her hand on her shoulder. “I’ll go and get Frost.”

Candy left the room. Storm lay back down on the bed a smile came across her face.

She believed the whole story, but I don’t know how we are going to get rid of them all. Storm told herself.

“We’re going to get out of here.” Fairy said smiling and putting her hand on Storm's, “Just be strong.”



“Yes, I understand.” Blue said on the phone he nodded to what the ‘High Roller’ was saying. “No, Storm has just been attacked by Lynn so she is in no state to be at your left hand.” he sat down in his office chair, playing around with his gun “Yes I do know that this is a big splendor.” He once again shook his head at the words of the ‘High Roller’ “But she is very damaged at the moment. She will be performing, but she is still getting over what happened. But, there is another you might be happy with. Her name is ‘Candy’, she is not a performer anymore but I promise you, she will look great on your side and will bow to your every wish.” Blue’s eyes sparkled as he said this. He was finally going to get rid of her, and Storm would be able to look after Alice and they would be one big happy family.


“We don’t have to sing tonight.” Frost said, holding Storm's hand as they walked the hallways.

“No, we do.” Storm said, being simple in her words.

“I’ll kill him, you know. I would do anything for you.” Frost said, moving her to the wall.

“I know you would, but look at what happened to Knave.” Storm said, tilting her shoulder. “We are going to get out of here alive, okay?”

“Okay.” Frost said, smiling at Storm as they started walking again “This will be the last show, I can feel it.”

“Me too, I have never been as confident as I am now and I just want to say again how sorry I am for everything. I really didn’t want anyone to get hurt, but Blue was treating me and hurting me.”

“Hey, its okay, I’m happy we know and Bird is fine with it. Well, kind of. She still doesn’t like you.” Frost said, shrugging the last words.

“I don’t blame her; I should have told you guys earlier.”

“Don’t worry about it. At least your safe now, right?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Storm said with a sly smile, she was ready for the end she could taste it.

“Anyway, we have a show to put on.” Frost said winking.

 “There’s no business like show business.” Storm said cheerfully.

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