Characters for now

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My characters don't have names yet

1. Villain:
she will have long black curls and green eyes. She will be 1.79m and probably will be intelligent. She is either just the mastermind behint it all or just OP.. i don't know yet...
also she will be around 20-25

2. Sidekick:
average kid. not really the smartest, not reall the strongest, but they would probably die for the villain. they are the most loyal of them all and shares a bond with the villain.. either because they never question a command or because .. idk
they have middle length hair (to the soulders) which is either in a bright colour or just dark brown. they have relatively small blue eyes and are around 1.70m tall. They wear the weirdest shit clothes possible. They sew them themself and the result of those projects is always rather interesting. They also make their own jewellery. (the ones that don't turn out so good are given to other members who exept them bc "they put so much effort in it" even tho they hate it. and the enby knows they hate it which is why they are doing this in the first place)

3. Hero:
is actually the most vague.
I don't know what kinda story i wanna write which makes it difficult to even know which gender they will be. they will be a cis man or cis woman but idk which yet
also they will be around 20-30 and have most likely light hair (coloured) anf will be a freaking positive character. they will also be a loyal character with lots of good qualities.

(4. overlord (depends on the storyline)
(5. King/Queen (depends on the storyline)
also.. the hero will have some friends (which will be other heros who just aren't as strong as the hero. and the villain will also have some... companions.. which are annoying her 24/7

I want feedback pleaseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz