Night 3

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SAIFAH HAD LEARNED a long time ago that the universe followed its own plans and that things almost never ended up in a way he could've anticipated. Be it a minor matter or something that he had truly cared for, there was always some unexpected turn of events that forced him to adjust his plans. Eventually, he had understood that getting his hopes up was pointless and stopped giving a toss. At any rate, it became simpler to just let the cards fall where they may and passively watch what fate would bring.

And of course the unexpected happened yet again, changing the course of his Friday night out.

From past experience, Saifah had known there was a 50-50 chance that his date would not end up well, so he was not exactly disappointed when the girl did not show up. It was just one of the possible scenarios that turned out true. What he had not expected, however, was what happened later. One instant, he was still the master of his own destiny, and the next, he was caught in a fierce current, pulling him along with such force that he didn't even think twice. Yet, he was far from complaining about it. How could he, since it brought him so much pleasure and all the fun that night?

He propped his head up on one elbow and watched his guest pull on his denims. He enjoyed every second of the show with a cocky smirk. It certainly was not the first time Saifah went with the flow, but this time, that unscheduled torrent had a name.

Saifah's eyes lingered on Zon's buttcheeks until the latter turned around, zipping up his fly.

"Were you looking at my ass?" asked Zon, catching his gaze.

"Maybe." His smile only grew bigger. "I assumed you wouldn't mind."

Zon shrugged, barely paying attention to his answer. Instead, his eyes were scanning around the room. Each poster and flyer from musical events that covered the walls was catching his attention for a fraction of a second.

"You have a shit ton of vinyls," he said at last and squatted in front of his collection.

Saifah found it quite funny—like a mirror image of his own examination of Zon's bookshelf. Still, he was not surprised that his guest was so curious; after all, people's possessions were often more telling about the owners than they were willing to share themselves. He never missed an occasion to take a glimpse around newly visited places as well and he would be the last one to stop anyone from doing that.

In fact, he loved the attention his records were getting.

"From John Coltrane to Black Sabbath," he stated proudly. He knew perfectly well how impressive it was and how well his collection looked on the red metal cabinet against the charcoal grey wall. Frankly, it was designed to catch eyes in his somewhat empty room.

Saifah expected to hear the usual praises about his vast musical taste, but Zon seemed unbothered. Without any change on his face, he kept checking the records; one after the other. That was something new. Maybe Saifah should have dropped more contemporary names? Some pop stars? Thai artists? But Zon had to at least know about Queen, hadn't he?

Saifah frowned, only more intrigued. He didn't care for comments, but his vanity missed them nonetheless. He enjoyed impressing people and there were not many areas he was able to do so, so he was a bit taken aback by Zon's following comment.

"May I ask what's the point of that collection?" asked Zon, holding one of his favourite records. "Isn't Spotify more convenient?"

"What's the point of a full bookshelf?" paraphrased Saifah with an arched eyebrow. "Aren't e-books more convenient?"

Zon chuckled, matching his own amusement. "Okay, touché."

He put the record down and stood up. With his tousled hair and lazy smile, Zon looked way friendlier than that tense short-ass who attacked Saifah at Neo's engagement party, and after opening up about their miserable love lives, Saifah felt no hesitation to blab about shit to him. Even if it meant that Zon would think of him as a poser. Although, he hoped that wouldn't be the case, as he would hate to be judged about that, even by Zon.

Until the Stars Fade Away [MxM - SaifahZon] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now