That day.... Two Years Ago

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I remember it like yesterday, I walked into Gee's room and a girl was sitting there talking about how much she loved his music... then She kissed him. "How could you" I cried running out of the room not listening to what Gee said. Then... we never spoke again.


That slut who kissed me was Lucielle.... or Lucy..... She wanted me to break up with Lindsey so she could be my girlfriend. when I refused she kissed me noticing Linds was in the room. Now, It is two years to the day that we broke up. My new Girlfriend, Ava is coming to a rock tour date with me all the way in LA. Obviously MCR will be there. 


My brother got off the plane and we talked for hours until.... I had to tell him something.... "MSI will be there!" I blurt out and Gerard freezes. "oh no...." Is all he said. "who the fuck is msi!" that slut he calls girlfriend. what's her name leva? Lia? Leah? Avo? Ava! yes ava... I hate her she is such a slut and the complete opposite of Gerard!

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