Chapter 2

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Alarm goes off** ugh what bloody time is it?!
6:00Am are you serious..I say as make myself get off my bed.
I got in the shower and set up my clothes to start the day with since it was my first day at Hogwarts and I wanted to get to know some people at breakfast and maybe on my way to potions since it was my first class of the day.I start walking out of the door and walking into the common room when I see draco sitting on the green couch.

y/n came down the stairs from the dorm and her eyes met mine as I looked up from reading my book. Has the pervert got a good sleep ? Draco
asked with a sarcastic tone.

Has the perverts got a good sleep? Draco asked in his sarcastic tone while I glare at him and say "yes I have blondie so nice of you to wait for me "

Draco's POV
"I wasn't waiting for you mudblood"he said with a disgusted tone and glared at me then looked away and started reading his book again.

"Whatever  it's not my fault that your stuck up and have daddy issues and can't make choices for himself because he's scared of what his father is gonna say " I said as I started walking towards the door, then I felt him grab my wrist with his cold rings against my warm skin making me get goosebumps.

Draco's POV
I was furious " how dare you say that to me?!
Has no one ever taught you respect you filthy mudblood! Your the one that is a blood traitor hanging out with the wrong sort at least I have respect for myself and my family name unlike a disgusting git like you I said furiously with my hand gripping on her wrist.

I stood there in anger as I try to get out of his grip and I finally got out of it " listen to me Malfoy don't ever disrespect me or mg family you don't know nothing about me or my friends but i guess that's why you don't have any because your just as cold hearted as that fathers of yours who is a death eater i said as I smacked him and said now go tell your father about it ".

Draco's POV
I stood there in shock trying to understand that she had just slapped me and insulted me and family but that she was right that I was cold hearted and I did care about what my father thought I just wanted him to be proud of me for once in his life without making me feel like a disappointment.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip for breakfast
" I walked in at breakfast and seen to boys who look like there twins And stood in front of me".

Fred POV
Come With us we're going to prank ms.umbridge
To get back at her.

Fred and George POV
I'm Fred and he's George Weasley they said in unison.

Hi Fred I said as I stood my hand out he said I'm George, oh sorry George then you must be Fred I said as I shook his hand. I'm y/n  l/n.

Fred and George POV
Your a l/n ?? They both almost shouted

Yeah but you can called me y/n. Okay let's go take a seat i said and they headed to the griffindor table while I was on my way with to mine. they asked me if I want to sit with them and I sat with them.  Then as soon as I was finish and went to get up with Fred and George, ms.umbridge appeared and stood in front of me.

Ms.umbridge POV
miss l/n detention for not sitting with your house today after dinner.

I heard Malfoy snickered because everything was quiet and I was quite embarrassed at the fact everyone stared at me while whispering".
Alright see you after ms.umbridge I'll stay with my house next time I said and walked out with the twins to potions.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at potions
I sat next to potter and George and someone came dramatically through the door "everyone to stand up I'm going to assign partners".

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