#1 Long-Awaited Birth (Part - I)

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A beautiful lady was resting against the head of a huge mahogany bed, she looked pale and fatigue could be seen in her eyebrows but it cannot hide the radiance in them.

The room was illuminated in a western manner. It was designed grandly and elegantly but it didn't seem pretentious.

Not far from the bed three maids stood and another lady in white robes was holding a red bundle very carefully. The lady in white had a very troubled look on her face, she hesitated to approach the lady on the bed.

"Madame Lennon, let me have a look at my child." Hearing the gentle voice carrying absolute authority Madame Lennon shuffles on her feet towards the bed.

"Duchess, the child borne..." Taking the baby into her arm the Duchess looked down. The baby was healthy pale in color, eyes still closed breathing softly.

The most noticeable feature would be the head full of fluffy silver hair. Once her sights caught the distinct hair color, a flash of surprise passed but it resumes its happiness.

Hearing no accusation or furious shout, Madame Lennon looked up and discerned the Duchess's reaction. A great sigh of relief left her lips. She cannot bear to anger this distinguished personage who is the beloved of one of the most fearsome Lord Duke.

Sabrina opened her eyes and could see a beautiful lady in her twenties with long black hair that goes behind her back gazing at her fondly. She felt strange, her own body was weightless. For her, the lady looked giant.

Focusing on the stunning features of the beauty made Sabrina gasp, but it came out incoherent like a baby. Next, trying to move her own body gave her the answer she was dreading most. The tiny hands gave her the last push towards her current reality.

'A baby...'

She suddenly felt airborne as the Duchess raised her in the air with her large hands. A startled cry came out from the little mouth but again it sounded like a baby's wail. A kiss landed on her forehead and gentle cooing made Sabrina relax a bit. Duchess tightly snuggled her into her bosom.

'Mm... she smells nice, it's a familiar feeling.' Stopping these thoughts she once again tried to concentrate on the pressing issue.

"My lovely baby, you are so cute and adorable." Her small eyes, red as a polished ruby concentrated on the beautiful lady.

'She should be my mother.'

A muffled bang sounded from one direction, it came from the door. Two more people joined in the room.

A handsome man wearing an official military uniform completed with a double-breasted frock coat, a red-lined cape, trousers, and boots came with a boy. Boys features resemble the man, he was around five years old.

The man approached the bed, his facial muscles taught with no expression. His gaze landed on the Duchess and the baby, seeing them his expression relaxed. Maids and Madame Lennon saluted the incoming people, "Greetings My Lord and Young Lord."

Carefully caressing the face of Duchess he summoned, "Edriesa take Madame Lennon to the study and call Zoran here." The maids hurried to follow the order and scurried out of the room in a neat procession without startling the family of four.

Duke Armaturov had been uncertain over his wife's pregnancy, although a piece of good news it was an arduous one. It was her first pregnancy and it gave his nonexistent heart a heartache. He never urged her to have a child but she was determined about having one.

In the first place, his lineage was a cursed one who couldn't give birth to a child of their own. The circumstance improved a millennium back, but it is still a rare occurrence for a child being reproduced between couples.

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