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Hey everyone! Sorry for popping up, but I had something that I wanted to clear up before I moved forward with this story. 

So, when I started writing this I planned for it to take place during the Savanaclaw Arc in the main story line. However, the more I've thought about it, the more I've realized that writing it like that would be...hard for me. So I've decided to make a slight change and have it take place during the Bean Day and Wish Upon a Star special events. I will change the story description asap. 

Sorry for anyone who has already been reading and have been expecting the Savanaclaw Arc. This is just going to be easier for me and I think it'll be funner to write. 

Again, I am very sorry for bothering all of you. Love you all, and thanks for reading my garbage!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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