Monday Afternoon

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He's all mine now.

There is something so special in watching Taro walk home, even from a safe distance. He looks so peaceful and free to think whatever he wants.

Today was an exception. My poor Taro. I knew it would hurt him seeing Osana die right in front of him.

It was tackless of Ayano to poison Osana's bento while she was eating lunch in front of Taro, they were childhood best friends and seeing her die right in front of him was traumatising for him.

My poor Taro...but it had to be done. Osana Najimi wanted him, that's why she made him lunch that day. Osana didn't deserve him.

Ayano Aishi kept herself away from Taro, she knew she couldn't face him yet. She kept thinking about going to comfort him but it was too soon and he didn't even know her. Did he even remember her? When they bumped into each other in the hallway at Akademi High, Ayano fell in love at first sight.

Ever since Ayano kept watching Taro and she noticed how truly oblivious he was. He didn't even know his close friend had a crush. And he didn't notice her just yet.

Ayano could tell Taro was drained, he cried so much as Osana died next to him. He had to call the police and couldn't even move until they arrived.

Taro ran into his house, covering his face and rushing inside to cry more. Ayano couldn't say she wasn't angry that he cared this much about that eyesore but she understood. She'll talk to him next week.

With Senpai safe home, Ayano walked back to her house to think about what to do next.

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