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Taro sat at a bench, looking down at the pavement. Why did he HAVE to go out?

His mother was insisting he get out and get some fresh air into his lungs. He already had a hard enough time going to school, at least there were distractions like lessons. The street in town didn't have much.

Taro loved reading. Every day he would go to the fountain in the school plaza and read something. He remembered the book his sister gave to him was always his favourite. It was special. He might've handed it to Osana if she'd have asked though.

The bookstore in town always had something interesting, even a few mangas would get his attention despite his disinterest. The store did nothing to cheer him up and he left empty handed.

He sat at the bench and just thought of everything he could about Osana. She's been there for all his life. They were close to graduating too. Taro and Osana had already sent in applications. Now it all seemed unimportant.
Amai noticed how much of a great day it was as soon as she got up. Her parent's bakery always smelled amazing but today the bakery below their house seemed extra enchanting.

The breeze in the air and the warm sun made the day all the better. She didn't like having to leave the Odayaka Bakery but she had to run a few errands. Her parents always trusted her and she would never let them down.

"Honey! Before you go, can you make sure to get those cupcakes from the Haruka's?" Amai's mother chimed. It was easy to guess where Amai's sweet and calming voice came from.

"No problem mom! Why do we need the cupcakes back?" Amai replied.

"Something went wrong with the food delivery app and we're giving them a replacement." Amai's mother answered. "I thought we might as well get them back and maybe give it to the homeless shelter."

Mom was always so charitable. We always tried our best to give back to the community.

With that, Amai walked out of the bakery and into Buraza Town. It was a small town but the nearby sea and beautiful landscape made it feel magical to Amai.

She grabbed the cupcakes from the Harukas, a family with only one father and a daughter. Amai recognised the girl, they went to the same school. Considering her purple hair, she was probably in the Drama Club.

Amai couldn't wait for next week to start. She had big plans!

Walking home from there was incredibly nice and relaxing, the nice and weather and peaceful atmosphere kept Amai feeling like she could float.

She was just outside the bakery when she walked past a weirdly placed bench. Sitting on the bench was a sad boy, he was hunched and staring at the floor.

Amai stopped and walked back to the bench, studying him. She didn't like bothering people but the poor boy looked like he

The poor boy in question was someone Amai recognised as well. Also from Akademi High. He always sat at the fountain reading a book. She liked how he just enjoyed the beauty of the world.

Amai liked peace and quiet but she was always too busy making some delicious treat for the Cooking Club and always surrounded herself with people. She liked how he always managed to find peace.

"Um..excuse me?" Amai spoke to the boy. She tried to not impose on him too much.

She sat down on the bench next to him, the cupcakes safely on her lap. The boy looked up at her with curiosity.

"I couldn't help but notice that you seem quiet sad about something. Would to talk about it?" Amai questioned.

"Huh? Um...have we met before" the boy asked. Amai could tell he was asking legitimately, no harsh words or tone.

"Oh I'm sorry! My name is Amai Odayaka! We go to the same school. I'm the president of the Cooking Club." She was slightly surprised. She was well known in the school thanks to her amazing cooking and even better baking skills.

"I'm sorry if it's strange that I approached you so suddenly. When I see a sad face, I can't help but try to make things better." Amai said. "So what's wrong?"

The poor boy seemed to revert back to his depressed state. He looked back down on the ground and answered: "My childhood friend, Osana...she died...right in front of me. She got poisoned. I miss her so much. I don't understand how I could possibly go back to my normal life after something like this happened."

Amai knew about Osana. The entire school couldn't forget that a girl died at the rooftop of their relatively safe and expensive space. Akademi High was supposed to be an exclusive, expensive and safe school and yet a girl just died one day at the rooftop.

Now she could place his name, everyone talked about how he was the one to call the police and witness her death...Taro Yamada.

"O-oh...I'm sorry to hear about that...I can't imagine what that must be like." Amai looked down at the cupcakes in her box. She knew it wouldn't cure him but a girl had to try.

"Hey...I know it's not much but maybe...this will take your mind off of it for a moment?" Amai said.

She opened the cupcakes box to Taro. He suddenly became more expressive. "Oh! Thank you." He said gingerly.

"Go ahead, take one!" Amai smiled at him.

Taro, rather carefully, pulled out one of the cupcakes. He took one bite and it seemed to Amai like the dark circles in his eyes disappeared.

People always told her that her cooking could cure depression. Amai never believed it but she always made sure to put a little love into each of her treats, even if it's to feed people she didn't him.

Amai giggled "Of course! Nobody makes better pastries than my mom and dad!" She lied. Amai felt weird bragging about her cooking to someone who was grieving.

Taro kept eating the cupcake, listening adamantly. "So cute" Amai thought. "He really was cute."

"Actually, I'm heading to my parent's bakery right now. Would you like to come with me? It'll take your mind off of things for a while!" Amai offered.

"Oh! No it's okay. I wouldn't want to be a bother..."

"It wouldn't be a bother at all! If I just leave you here, I'll worry about you!" Amai said.

The boy really needed someone to cheer him up.

"I guess it would be better than moping around. Okay...sure! I'll come with you." Taro replied after a moment of consideration.

"Great! Let's get going!" Amai said excitedly.

The two walked past a few shops before eventually reaching the Odayaka Bakery. Little did they know someone was following them...

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