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Dominic Angelo POV-

"Alright everybody since the last day of school till summer break is in about 2 months...I'm assigning you a group project" Mr. Li said and a slight groan came from the students in the classroom. And Mr. Li continued, "And this is worth 65% of your grade'" even more and loader groans came from them this time, "so please put effort into this. Oh and also I'll be assigning partners for this." Mr.Li finished explaining what we were doing for this project. 

"Alright, are there any questions?' Sindy raised her hand high as a kite. Nobody really likes Sindy, she was a teacher's pet always looking for ways to seem like little Miss. Perfect. She honesty annoyed everyone, especially me considering the fact that I find anything and everything irritating and annoying.

"Yeah so do we get to pick our partners, Mr.Li, because you know I like to work alone and work BETTER alone," she said with this annoying smug look on her face. You could hear everyone in the room sigh even Mr. Li sighed, he isn't a fan of teacher's pets either, thankfully.

"No Sindy, you don't get to pick your partners, I'll be assigning them," he stated.

I saw Sindy's smug smile twisted into a displeasing frown. Which was very pleasant to witness, I even let out a small giggle. Sindy turned around with the most irrigated face, I haven't seen that one in a while and a gave her a smug grin. It's truly entertaining to watch her become annoyed. But I wasn't the only one who let out a giggle when they saw Sindy's displeasing look. I turned my head to see who it was, I was genuinely curious to see who else was amused by her misfortune. I turned to see Zayne Hart and his stupid little smirk...ugh!! God, I find him even more annoying than Sindy, and that's saying something. I turned my head away as soon as I knew who it was. I didn't need him asking a million questions about why I was turned around looking at him. Me knowing full well he would start teasing me later if he did.

"Alright, I'm going to start assigning your partners," he sighed, but I did not know why," Sindy and Jameson." ah I see why he sighed now. Jameson didn't do his work, his grades were awful and he was kinda...different is all I'll say. I snickered in response to this. Sindy was livid.

"MR. LI PLEASE I CAN'T WORK WITH...THAT" she stuttered then pointed at Jameson. I let out a full-on laugh that time. I couldn't help it. 

"She called Jameson a "that"!" I said in between breaths and chuckles. Oh my fucking god I can't breathe. I was slightly hitting the top of my desk.

I wasn't the only one laughing though, you could hear little giggles from my classmates. I picked up my water to get a sip of water, to help my dry throat from all the laughing I just did.

"You're not out of the blue now Mr. Angelo," Mr. Li said with a small sly smile that said that I was gonna hate what he was about to do.

"I've noticed that you haven't been real buddy-buddy with a certain someone..." he trailed off. 


That's all I thought was.


"Sooo.. the next pair of partners are... Zayne and Alex," he said with a cheeky grin. I nearly choked on my water when he said it aloud. Shit.

"Oh god. no. why me?" I said silently under my breath. Mr. Li chuckled. I looked back to see Zayne grinning from ear to ear. Oh no. I'm doomed. That's it. I'm dropping out of school. I slumped into my chair and covered my face with my hands then groaned.

"So you want to see me suffer?" I said with a gloomy and bleak face.

"No, not really, though seeing your reaction I'm excited to see what happens," he said then turned slightly to face Zayne. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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