Chapter 3

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"How do we even know she's really a helpless little girl, this could be a ruse. Easily might I add." Klaus spoke staring straight at Freya.

"That is why we're doing this Klaus, if put Freya in Hope's head we can find out if she is really a threat or not." Davina spoke up gaining the original hybrids attention. "How do we know this not part of the trap, we put Freya in Hope's head and they can have their way with both of them!"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Klaus guys," Hayley said moving to stand beside her daughter. "Why don't we all go inside my head then. We can find out if this is some ploy and if it is they're not going to be able to do anything, they're powerless, 3 originals vampires, an original witch, the original hybrid, another hybrid and a tribrid. Whoever this is they're not stupid. They're patient and smart if they've waited this long to even show me the girl." Hope blurted out throwing her arms across her chest in a way that made her look very much like her mother.

"We have to do this brother with or without you. Hope's strong enough for us all and this may be our only chance to get ahead of them and that is if there is anything more to what she seen than a dream." Kol tried reasoning huffing to himself at the fact he some how was being the level-headed one seemed unfair. One thing that was clear in Kol's mind however, was he would not allow himself to be the reasonable brother until all chaos is loose and that was a huge maybe.

"Fine, but we best hurry. If anything happens to Hope-"

"You'll dagger us all for old times sake Nik, we have not forgotten since last week when we had this very same disagreement." Rebekah butted in not even caring anymore. Like they would ever let something happen to one of their own, especially Hope out of all of them. It's like the man thought they were wankers.

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