5. chaos

677 42 16

It had been about half an hour, and you were still sitting quietly with Oikawa Tooru, in a bathroom, at a party

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It had been about half an hour, and you were still sitting quietly with Oikawa Tooru, in a bathroom, at a party. At this point, he was fully asleep, and you were admittedly beginning to get very tired as well, slumping against the toilet bowl next to you like you were a drunk person.

With a sigh, you pulled your phone out of your pocket, only to be met with a barrage of messages from Rin, asking where you were.

Maybe having your phone on silent all the time wasn't a great idea.

Where are youuuuuuu
I can't find Oikawa-kun :(
I don't think he came
I've checked everywhere
Are you ok?
People keep asking if I want to have sex w them
Im uncomfortable
Im gonna go home
I'll see you at school tomorrow

I threw up in the bathroom and i've been in here for the past half an hour

Did you find Oikawa-kun?

You swallowed thickly, glancing over to where Oikawa was, breathing lightly, a rare peaceful expression on his face. If you told Rin he was here, there was no doubt she'd come running back... she didn't need to know.


I didn't see him anywhere

Promise me you'll talk to him tomorrow at school!

Yeah ok

It would be easier to do it anyway, since you'd talked to him a little beforehand. At least you wouldn't be starting from scratch, which was more terrifying than you'd ever be able to conceive. Perhaps there had been some benefit from coming here.

You gaze once again wandered over to Oikawa, where you were met with the sight of his chest rising and falling slowly, and his eyebrows not drawn into any particular expression for once; you liked this quieter version of him much better. Inwardly, you found yourself thinking if he'd turned up to drown his sorrows, and quickly texted Rin to ask her what you hoped was an inconspicuous question.

Hey you think he didn't turn up because something happened?

Oh that's a good point!
I heard he lost the chance to go to nationals in the spring interhigh tournament
I think his team lost to Shiratorizawa two days ago

Yeah that sounds valid

You closed your phone thereafter, and silently brought your knees to your chest, staring over the top of them at the sink opposite you. It had been about an hour since you'd arrived now, so it was around 10 at this point, and you were busy regretting coming here, since you could've been wrapped up in blankets watching anime right now.

The Storyteller (Oikawa Tooru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now