The Mechanic - 𝕁𝕁𝕂

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"Thought you said you were out of gas?" The tow truck driver was easy on the eyes, soft skin, tall, long black hair and muscles stretching out the sleeves of his black t-shirt. He leaned into the driver's side window where you were sitting trying to turn over the engine on the hand-me-down junker, cursing your sister for ever offering you the piece of shit, hunk of tin in the first place.

It had already been a used car when she bought it, but when she traded up for a new model after getting a raise at her job, she offered you the car for free. It had been working pretty fine at the time and she had a mechanic who kept it running for her if anything ever went wrong. She went on and on about how great he was.

"I thought I was." You were exasperated.

"Yeah, well that sound? Or lack of? That's not an out of gas sound."

"Fuuuhhhcckk...." You did not have time for this. You needed to make a job interview. The time waiting for someone to answer the phone at this shop and for this guy to show up with gas was steadily dwindling the buffer zone you'd left.

When the wrecker showed up, he introduced himself as Jungkook and commented that he knew the car. Then he mentioned your sister and chuckled at how right she was that you weren't going to be as good at bringing the car in for regular tune up as she was. When you didn't bite he got back to business.

"Pop the hood?" Jungkook rummaged around under the hood for a few moments and then dropped it slowly, pressing the metal into place with a final, firm push as he shook his head at you through the window. "No good. Alternator's gone. I can tow you back to the shop, though."

"How much?"

"Couple hundred."

"Shit. If I don't make this job interview, there's no way I can afford that. And if this is the problem, doesn't really seem like I'm making the job interview. Fuck!" You slumped against the steering wheel, about ready to cry and cursing your shitty luck.

"Hey. Hey. Where's the interview? Maybe I can drop you off before I take the car back to the shop," Jungkook offered. His face fell when you told him the address. "That is so far away. What are you looking for a job all the way over there for?"

"I'm looking for a job all the way over anywhere. Don't know if you caught that last part, but I'm kinda broke right now."

"Man, I'm sorry. But there's no way I can take you all the way across town before heading back to the shop. I'm swamped today. You want a lift back with the car at least? Maybe catch a taxi from there?"

You agreed and after he hooked up the car, you climbed into the cab of the tow truck, perching precariously in your pencil skirt. You were suddenly aware of how far up your thigh the fabric had hitched when Jungkook climbed in next to you and you caught him glance down and let his gaze linger for a few seconds. You draped your this sweater over your lap and tried to settle back, but these clothes sucked and did not fit in a tow truck anyway.

"Your sister never mentioned how pretty you were." Jungkook had just thrown that out there. You blushed, unsure of how to respond.

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