05. Hangout at the mall

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I definitely should have thought this story through more, but like I said it's nothing I can't handle. Maybe.


You groaned as your eyelids fluttered open and you smacked your lips a bit before letting out a loud yawn.

Y/N: "Ughhh, what happened last night?"

You groaned again as you held your head.

Venom: "You don't remember?"

Y/N: "Clearly not."

Venom: "Alright here's what happened."

---(Flashback to last night after you left the store)---

Venom: "Apologize!!"

Y/N: "Alright. Fine. I'm sorry. So what do you wanna do now?"

Venom: "The way I see it WE can do whatever WE want."

Carnage: "Oh I know, lets go eat some more bad guys' heads."

Riot: "Yeah I want some more action."

Hybrid: "Riot if Y/N wants some action all he has to do is just go to Mina's house."

Y/N: "Shut up, Hybrid! I already told you. I'm only here because Tony made me. Not because I want to be."

Hybrid: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I know you have a crush on Mina."

Y/N: "No I don't! I just... don't know how to feel."

Riot: "Could you two just shut up a hurry up. I don't want to wait here forever."

Y/N: "Right, yeah. Sorry."

You continued walking until you saw a bar. Fuck it, so what if you're 16? You could probably pass as a 20 year old. You took a deep breath and stepped into the bar, hoping they wouldn't care and ask you for an ID. As soon as you walked into the bar a couple guys looked your way and scowled meanwhile a few girls tried using some dumb pick-up lines on you. You walked over to the bartender and sat down on a barstool as you looked at the drinks they had.

Hybrid: "Get a shot of whiskey. You won't do it. No balls."

Y/N: *in head* "Bet" *out loud* "Hey can I get a shot of whiskey?"

Bartender: "Coming right up."

The bartender passed you your drink as you just stared at it for a few seconds.

Bartender: "Rough night?"

Y/N: *chuckles* "You don't know the half of it."

The bartender chuckled along with you as you drank the shot of whiskey and felt it burn as it slid down your throat.

Hybrid: "Hm, I didn't think you'd actually do it."

Y/N: *in head* "I told you I would" *out loud* "Hey can I get a few more of of these?"

Bartender: "Sure thing. Here you go."

The bartender passed you a few more shots as you gulped them down, these ones not burning as much as the first one did.

Y/N *in head* "Fuck it. Let's have some fun tonight" *out loud* "Hey could I get a Scotch on the rocks"

Bartender: "Damn you must have really had a tough night. Come on tell me, what are you trying to forget"

Y/N: "Hm? Oh nothing, just wanna have a bit of fun tonight. Not in THAT kind of way but. You know the, walk around town acting like an idiot kind of way."

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