Chapter 3

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Minho arrived home confused. After he parted from Chan, he found himself feeling ashamed. He didn't feel like that in a long time.

He learned to handle his sexuality and all it's consequences. He wasn't that scared kid who got beaten up day by day at school because something that no one could blame him for. Maybe it was something in Chan's eyes that made him insecure. Or maybe it was him who treasured Chan's friendship that much that he questioned his action. Maybe telling it to the detective wasn't the best choice.

Nevertheless he pushed his thoughts away. He couldn't let them flood his mind when Chan needed his work 100% perfect to find his brother and bring justice to the killed girl.

He let himself resting on the coach for a couple of minutes. His beloved cats Soonie and Doongie crawled next to him. It was one of those rare moments when his cats showed some kind of interest in him, even let him pet them.

"Let's make dinner. What do you guys think?" He asked the kitties earning rather excited meows from them.

He giggled a bit getting up to cook something for him and feed the cats.


The next day, when Chan arrived at the constabulary, he found Minho staying by his table with a report file in his hands. A smile found its way to his lips approaching the younger.

"Morning Doctor!"

Minho flinched a little then chuckled in embarrassment scratching his nape.

"You scared me" he said hitting Chan's shoulder lightly. "But good morning to you too. I have news"

"That's good" Chan nodded. "Make yourself at home" he gestured the younger to sit down.

"First" Minho started rather excited. "The inspector said that you have a new case. I dared to put it in your table" he pointed at a brown file on Chan's table. "Second of all, I made a little investigation and found out that all his victim's body are still in the morgue." He was unsure if it's a good idea to say the name. Chan would understand this way.

"It was yesterday Minho" Chan seemed surprised. "When did you...?"

"I couldn't sleep. I had... Well, a nightmare. So I came early in the morning. I thought I might as well spend my time usefully." Minho was quick to answer. "And I'm completely fine, before you start worrying"

"If you say so" Chan wasn't convinced fully but he let it slide. "So what did you find?"

Minho's face light up with excitement. He jumped up and looked at Chan like an excited 5-year-old.

"I have to show you" he said and stormed of Chan's office.

Chan would chuckle at the younger's actions, but it was his brothers case so he just followed Minho to the basement where the morgue was.

Three corps, covered with white sheets were lying there. Red stains indicating that the post mortem was fresh and recent.

But instead of discovering the heads Minho just pulled their left hands out from under the cover.

"Here, look" he pointed them with a proud expression and a triumphant smile.

There was a little tattoo on the back of their forearms right above their elbow.

"What's this?" Chan stepped closer to examine the scheme.

"It's a cross. A rose-cross to be exact" Minho explained. "It's similar to the Free-masonary symbols. Like a sect. Probably that's why no one looked for the bodies. They would get discovered."

Chan silently examined the symbols and then looked up to meet the young doctor's eyes.

"You're the best" he said as smiled a little.

"I'm trying my best" Minho shrugged. "And also I want to help you" he added looking slightly away remembering their talk the night before. His insecurities kicking in again.

Chan didn't seem to notice.

"Thank you. Now I have something to begin with. I should going. There's another case waiting for me" he seemed apologetic.

Minho flashed a reassuring smile at him.

"Good luck detective" he said.

"Thanks doc" Chan answered and left the morgue.

Minho decided to take a break. His little lie in the office wasn't fully a lie. He indeed arrived early. But he didn't have a nightmare. He didn't have any kind of dream at all 'cause he didn't get any sleep last night. His thoughts just didn't let him rest.

He didn't even think about it before. He felt his friendship so natural with Chan. And he didn't think that it's more or less than good friendship. But after their conversation yesterday he started to think what would it be like if they were more than friend. It was possible after all. And the pure fiction of it blow up Minho's mind.

He started to see things in a different light. He has never been in a relationship before. And to be honest he was a bit afraid. Making jokes about it and actually being in one is pretty different. But Chan just matched his all standard. He was caring, kind, polite, ridiculously good looking and intimidating if he wanted to. They had pretty much in common and he gained Minho's trust which was really something.

The young doctor let out a frustrated sigh and run his slim fingers through his hair. He couldn't let his feelings affect his work and he couldn't let them affect his relationship with Chan. He wasn't even sure if they're really romantic feelings or something else. He had to clear his mind first. Only after then could he decide what to do with his feelings.

His phone interrupted his thoughts. Chan's ID appearing on the screen.

"Hey" Minho greeted trying to sound normal.

"Hey, doc" Chan voice was strange on the other side of the line. "You pretty much needed here." Minho could tell he was upset for something.

"A new body?" He asked as he subconsciously reached out for his bag and started to walk out of the morgue.

"Yeah, but there's something else" Chan sounded annoyed.

"What?" Minho asked confused.

"A cat..."

The Detective and the Doctor - Book One || Minchan/Banginho حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن