Chapter 12

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First suspect

Chan got surprised when Mrs. Cesdem came back to the office. The woman seemed hesitant and nervous.

She stood in the doorframe.

"Can I have a question too, detective?" She asked.

"Please" Chan nodded. He was kinda suspicious.

"Have you... Have you find a cat near the crime scene?"

"Ah, so it's yours." Chan wrote it down. "Yeah" he then nodded. "We find her but we can't return her as she is an evident basically. But you will get her back safe and sound if we closed the case."

Mrs. Cesdem didn't seemed satisfied with the answer but nodded nevertheless and left the office without saying goodbye.

The thought of the kitty reminded Chan of Minho again. The doctor brought the kitty to his home earlier when he left the crime scene with Hyunjin and Felix. He made a mental note to himself not to forget to tell Minho to examine the cat a litte. It was suspicious that the Cesdems didn't seemed that lethargic when he talked about the body, found in their apartment, but seemed so worried about the cat.

Chan decided to talk again with Mr. Gerald. As he was on his way to his car Jisung came up to him from the labor.

"Hyung" he called to stop Chan.

"Ah, Jisung..." Chan turned back and walked up to the boy. "News?"

"Yeah" Jisung nodded.

He was in charge in the local labor.

He and Chan knew each from elementary school. However they wasn't in connect for a long time. They only figured it out when they started to work together three years ago. The shared memories connected them.

"Tell me their good news" Chan sighed.

"I just finished with the tests on the murder weapon." Jisung nodded.

"What have you find?" Chan's eyes lit up.

"It was full of Mr. Gerald's fingerprints. Other than that not a single thing." Jisung handed the report to Chan.

"Hmm... Then not only have I talk with him, but he became our number one suspect" Chan nodded. "This is indeed a good news. Thank you, Jisung"

He was about to walk away but the squirrel boy's hesitant voice held him back.

"I heard that Hyunjin and Changbin came back." He said awkwardly.

"Yeah" Chan nodded. He looked at Jisung suspiciously.

"I just... are they okay? I mean fine. Neither of them are injured or something...?" He asked.

"No. But what's with the sudden interest? Are you seeing one of them?" Jisung's cheeks burned at his teasing tone.

"It's nothing like that". He shook his head desperately. "I have work... I should head back" he said, turned on his heels and run back to the labor.

"Keep denying it" Chan shouted after him laughing.

After a light lunch Chan was on his way to the hotel where Mr. Gerald rented a room. The man wasn't completely honest for him when they first met. Chan hated when someone lied in his face. It made him questioning his job's power and status in the society.

He asked the receptionist where he find Mr. Gerald. When he got the room number, he thanked politely and headed toward the said room.

He almost broke in. He pushed the door without knocking and found Mr. Gerald sitting on the coach and smoking a cigar. He got so surprising that he dropped the cigar.

"Detective" he jumped up. "I didn't hear you" he said and searched for another cigar.

"Mr. Gerald. I will get straight to the point. You know that obstruction is a really serious crime?" He asked with a low tone.

The man in front of him flinched slightly but tried to cover it up with taking a sip from the water in front if him.

"What do you mean by that, detective?" He asked.

"Let's just make it clear, Mr. Gerald" Chan placed his hands on the table, facing the man. "You lied to me. Which is considered as obstruction which is a crime."

Mr. Gerald became pale but stayed silent.

"Apparently you arrived here in Seoul yesterday. What have you done in the previous day?" Chan continued.

"I... don't know what..." Mr. Gerald stuttered.

"Keep it. I checked it" Chan cut in. "Let me tell you my litte theory. I think you came here on the previous day to kill that man" he stated cruelly.

Mr. Gerald's eyes widened.

"No, detective, it's not like that. I swear that I never saw that man in my life. It's true, I came here one day before, but I didn't kill amyone!" He protested.

"Then where have you been in that 24 hours and the time of the murder?"

"I was with Maria...." Mr. Gerald sighed.

"Maria what?" Chan asked impatient.

"She doesn't really have a surname. The Maria is just her stage name" he said and the cigar in his hand slightly trembled. He hunged his head low.

"Where can I find this Maria" Chan asked.

"She works at the Piano Man's bar." Mr. Gerald seemed more and more ashamed.

Chan wrote the bar's name down.

"I will check your alibi Mr. Gerald. Until then please stay in the town. Good day" with that he stormed out of the room.

In the car he dialed Seungmin and Jeongin's number.

"Hyung" Jeongin picked up. "I put you on speaker" he said.

"I need you two to look up everything about a Maria in the Piano Man's bar. An adress would be highly appreciated" he said.

"We're on it" sounded from the other end of the line.

Chan didn't hung up. But there were silence in the car as his GPS navigated him towards the said bar. However he knew he wouldn't find the girl there. He knew these kind of bar's well.

"Found it" Seungmin's voice could be heard from the other end.

"Send it to my phone." Chan nodded. It was just as quick as he assumed. It made him smile slightly.

"It's sent" Jeongin added.

"Thaks" Chan was greatful for having a team like them.

"Anytime, hyung. Good luck."

The Detective and the Doctor - Book One || Minchan/Banginho Where stories live. Discover now