Chapter 2: Reunions and Relationships

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I hope that was enough to get you started on how things came to be what they are. I know it probably felt rushed but... I'm sorry it was just a bad and embarrassing time. I have more fun with what happened after all of that conspired.

Our group hug dispersed, Jenny drug Ellie away to show her something, Vik and Bekk followed after them. Danny pulled Maddie away with a sly grin on his face that made me chuckle, and Johnny, Liz, and Steve walked off to check some other stuff. Me and Jack stood alone now, as his wife too had left to go look at something, we just looked out at the massive crowd that was out there.

"I can't believe this," I said simply with my hands in my pockets, Jack, who was standing the same way, grinned over at me. "And you think I can? I never realized me sending in that tape of us would lead to this." I gave a small chuckle at his words and shook my head. "3 years and we finally get to go on tour, I can't believe it's taken this long." I said with a small sigh in my voice.

"3 years of not touring and look at this," he pointed his hand at the crack in the curtain that we were looking through. "Richie said there was an estimated 15,000 people out there." I went a little light headed at the number and had to shake myself before I fell over.

"How, half the people out there don't even know where Cloverfield is and we don't have an opening act?" I said in a shocked voice and he looked past me then nodded. "It's her," I unnecessarily followed his gaze to see Ellie laughing with Jenny, Rebekkah, and Viktoria.

I guess it's also not fair of me to hog the story though, cause it's not just about me. I guess I should let the other most important guy in the world to her get a few words in.

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