Part 2. The Date

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I quietly shut the door to Steve's room and when I was sure that it was shut I closed my fists and grunted in a mixture of anger and anguish. She wasn't even back a single minute before someone else was trying to pry her from me again. I started pacing because if I didn't do something to let out my anger, even in the smallest way, I might explode, and then everyone would know.

The door lightly opened and I turned, hoping beyond hope that it was Ellie, but it was just Steve. I sighed and turned away from him, "Hey what's wrong, I thought with Ellie back you wouldn't wanna be away from her side for more than a second." He lightly teased me, but when I turned to look at him, all humor in his expression fell. "That's kinda hard when some bastard of a son is trying to take her from me." I whispered angrily, being very literal with my words, and very hostile.

"What?" He asked, sounding completely dumbfounded. "It's just my god-awful luck that, come to find out, the girl I've been waiting a year to see again, is the long lost sister of the guy that's been helping me deal with everything." I spat out in angry whispers and turned away as my eyes started to water from wrath and sadness. Steve was silent for a moment as he processed my words. "Here," I glanced at him as he moved around me and pulled out one of the drawers of his desk. He handed me a small squishy ball, "Just squeeze this," he instructed. I did as he said for a few more silent moments.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, since I can't fully remember everything you told me a few weeks ago, but you said she got transferred when she was five?" I nodded slightly and he gave me an apprehensive look. "Well, eight years is longer than one, and to be honest Matt... I think you've been a bit clingy about her." I threw the ball in the corner of the room, causing a loud thud that made him jump, as my anger spiked.

"You don't think I know that!? Don't you realize that's why I hated myself so much this past year!? That I couldn't let go of some stupid month long crush, you think I'm proud of that!?" I scolded him, I kept my voice quiet though, not wanting anyone to hear us. Steve's mouth was slightly agape from my outburst and I immediately felt bad, which was something that seemed to be a common occurrence for me now.

"Steve I'm sorry," I sighed and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Dude, you gotta chill out." He said seriously and I gave him a small nod. I couldn't believe that I had just yelled at Steve, he was always so quiet and calm, he's my best friend and I just got angry and yelled at him. I apologized again and pulled him into a tight hug that he reciprocated.

I shook my head at the memory and rolled over on my bed, I was still a little shocked that I'd just exploded at him like that. I don't know what I thought it would be like if Ellie ever came back. Not this that's for sure. I know what I wanted though, for it to just be me and her, it didn't matter where at as long as we were together... alone.

But that's not gonna happen now, she's just finally found her big brother again, there's no way I'm gonna get to be alone with her now for at least several months, that's if I'll ever get to be with her. There was a soft knock on my door that only angered me more.

"Matt?" Maggie called through the door and I rolled my eyes. "I don't wanna talk, Maggie." I replied in a hard voice so that she would know to just leave me alone. "Not even to Ellie?" She asked after a moment of silence. I furrowed my brow and got out of my bed, I walked over and cracked the door open.

"Are you serious?" I asked when I opened the door and Maggie gave me a small grin. "She's on the phone down stairs, you owe me an explanation." My eyes widened slightly before I bolted out of my room and past Maggie down the stairs, ignoring the last part of her statement. I didn't even take notice of Richie at the kitchen table as I picked the phone up. "Ellie?" I asked in a mixture of happiness and disbelief.

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