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Parker Elise Leon

The weekend went by quick and I haven't seen Gabe since midday of Saturday. I had to drop him off because Mari and I made plans to get lunch and go to the mall on Saturday. I was once again abandoned.

"So, how's Aaron?" The boy who is now her boyfriend. "He's good, we've gone on a few dates and he asked me the other day. It wasn't romantic but it was sweet." She seems to say that a lot and I'm starting to wonder if this boy really isn't a match for her. I was going to contact my cousin before this dude; I still think my cousin would've been a better fit than Aaron. Mari is a total romantic, she loves that stuff which makes me think that they won't last very long. It's so bad of me to say that, but it's true. He never does anything romantic from all the stories she tells me. He also acts like a douche every time I am around them two at school. That's why I always feel ditched, because I'm always the one to be forced to go away. He bothered me.

"Cool, I'm glad you're happy." I didn't want to rain on her parade or start an argument, so I went with the usual content reply. "How's Gabe?" I shrugged. I haven't seen him today. "He's good, I guess. I haven't seen him today but I'll know when I get to class with him soon." She nodded and we were both enveloped into quietly eating. We didn't talk for the rest of lunch, in fact when she was finished with her lunch she immediately stood up and walked over to Aaron's table.

I choked when she did because I thought we were supposed to get back to being best friends today. We haven't talked much ever since Aaron and I just think he's extremely toxic for her. It hurt me to see my best friend get into that kind of relationship; the one where I can't intervene because she's either attached or manipulated. I just hoped she didn't do anything stupid and regret something.

It was time for me to get up and walk around the building. I stood at the vending machine but got apple juice this time. "Hey, beetle." His voice soothed name as I took a sip from the plastic bottle. "Hey, Frosty." My smile was heavy as I thought about Mari.

"We'll talk in class." The bell had rang before either of us could say anything. We both walked together, maneuvering our way through all the other students. We both sat down in class and waited for Mr. Fib to give out his usual directions.

"Mari is totally not wanting be my friend anymore. Aaron, her boyfriend, hates me for literally no reason and I'm pretty sure he's turning her against me." I explained, leaning on the table, probably liking like a dejected potato. "What an ass. You know, if Mari is easily manipulated to be steered away from you it wasn't that good of a relationship." Wow, thanks Gabe.

"That helps a lot, thanks." i sarcastically retort, putting my head down on the desk. His hand rubs my back up and down, making me feel sleepy. "Everything will be okay, Parker. If she really was your friend, she'll realize what's going on and will get herself out of that situation or get help to. Everything happens for a reason, maybe this is God's way of telling you to let go." His tone was soft, but it was still his deep and smooth voice that always brought me to relaxation. "Thanks, Frosty." I mumbled, keeping my head on the table.

"That reminds me. Why do I remind you of Jack Frost?" I lift my head up and pull my phone out. "You look like him. Did you know that I had a crush on this dude when I was younger? How can a cartoon be so hot?" He raised his eyebrows with a smirk. "So, you think I'm hot?" I huffed and rolled my eyes at his cocky rhetorical question. "Obviously, who doesn't?" I answer, making him lean back and grumble. That's not even a bad thing, why are you getting upset?

"I only like it when you call me that." He states, his eyes completely closed and he's leaning back like he usually does when he's about to take a nap in class. I shrugged, letting the heat and redness come to my cheeks.

Gabe didn't want me to drive him home today which was unusual. I hesitantly let him walk home as I drove away slowly. I know how much he hates my driving but I didn't think I was that bad.

After I got home, I saw the text on my phone from him.

frosty: hey, beetle. my mom is letting me borrow her car, i'm picking you up at five. be ready and wear something casual

My heart picked up speed as I read the text over and over again. Is he taking me out? Oh lord, I wasn't ready for this one.

parker: kk, see you then :)

I looked at the small digital time at the top of my screen and screeched as I realized it was almost four and I'd have an hour or thirty minutes to get ready.

I threw on a pair of light-washed mom jeans and a tight, long sleeved crop top to go with the high-rise pants. I knew it was going to be cold out, so I slipped on my cardigan sweater that matched the shirt and shoes I picked out well. I hope this is okay. I applied a little bit of mascara and curled my long lashes. I put some lipgloss on and some socks before sitting on my couch while I wait.

I scrolled through my phone until the clock said four-fifty-eight and I put my shoes on. I quickly got my purse together and made sure I had everything before looking over myself one more time.

A knock was at my door and I smiled at his timeliness and manners before slipping on my shoes and opening the door. "Hi." He greets, taking my hand and pulled me out of my house. I locked up and walked with him to the small, beat-up car in my driveway. I smiled at him as he opened the door for me. The interior of the car was clean and smelled nice, I assumed because of his mother's perfume or something.

I didn't judge him on what he had because it's not about the money. It's about what the person is like and their personality and how they act. Gabe is a man of few words when you come to meet him, but he's amazing when you actually know who he is.

Smart, funny, caring, sometimes dumb, and overall the best boy ever.

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