3 Are you Ready?

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Violet passed out in two seconds, not even bothering to take off her running shoes.

And two hours later, Quigley had to wake her up, "Vi, I know you need sleep, but we need to get to class," he whispered to her.

"No," she drowsily mumbled, "skip class,"

"Violet, you do not want to face the wrath of Nero,"

"Why?" She groaned.

"Look, you can sleep in class, I have a pair of sunglasses and I'll take notes for you,"

"Fine," Violet yawned sitting up, "I'll go to class, but I'm skipping PE,"

"You can skip PE,"


Violet was about to fall asleep as her and Quigley walked over to meet Duncan. "What happened to her? Quigley, what did you do?"

"Olaf," Violet drowsily told him, not able to contain a yawn.

"Olaf made her stay up all night running laps, she got two hours of sleep,"

"You poor soul, how are you still functioning?"

"Does it look like I'm functioning? If it does, I'm a better actress than I thought,"Violet asked him.
"No, I was being polite,"

"Violet put these on," Quigley handed her a pair of sunglasses, Violet did so, "now you can fall asleep without Remona even knowing,"

"Remora," Duncan corrected, "A disgrace to his profession. Just don't snore Violet, Carmelita is actually in class today, and she is in ours,"

Quigley cursed under his breath loud enough for them all to hear, "Quigleforth Quagmire, language,"

"No, look," Quigley pointed to a man wearing a bright red tracksuit.

"Olaf," Violet whispered.

"Hey kids, shouldn't you be getting to class, and I'm a gym teacher," Olaf went over to them.

"We have twenty minutes, it's still breakfast, my brother, his girlfriend, and I weren't hungry," Duncan told him. Violet was too tired to correct Duncan, and accidentally further proved his explanation by leaning her head on Quigley's shoulder. Quigley, who might have been developing a crush on the girl, felt his cheeks heating up, and glared at Duncan who was five seconds away from making fun of him. "Excuse me, Mr. Genie, could you please leave us alone? Violet is very tired of you, Olaf,"

"Who is Olaf? I'm a gym teacher,"

"Shut up, Olaf," Violet mumbled

"Fine," Olaf said losing the accent, "but I will find a way to get both the Baudelaire fortune and the Quagmire fortune,"

"You are going to wait twenty years and then kidnap Quigley and Violet's kid?" Duncan asked, earning a glare, an eye-roll, and Quigley blushing even more. "That's actually not a bad idea," Olaf commented.

"I don't have those,"

"Yes, you do,"

"How are you going to get our fortune if we die of exhaustion?" Violet asked him.

"She has a point," Quigley said.

"You won't be able to recognize my amazing plans," Olaf then walked away.
"Really Duncan?"



"It's true,"

"Duncan, we're just friends," Violet told him, before putting her hand in Quigley's hand, "now we actually need to get to class,"

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