2 Miscreant

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"So, is there anything interesting about this school?" Violet asked Quigley, Count Olaf, who was standing just outside the door, rolled his eyes, waiting for them to say something that would be something important, "absolutely nothing, except for you," Quigley told Violet, who then blushed. "It's getting late, we should probably sleep," Violet told him.

"Well, the classes are so boring, I can guarantee that is what class is for, and I'll go annoy Duncan and Isadora while you get changed," Quigley responded, Olaf quickly ran off. Quigley left the closet and went directly across to the other one, "Hey morons!" Quigley greeted the polite Quagmire greeting. "What are you talking about, moron?" Isadora responded. 

"The bookworm has a crush on Isa," Duncan said in a sing-song voice to Quigley. 

"Who's the bookworm?" Quigley asked.

"Oh, that's right, you were too busy staring at Violet with heart eyes, bookworm is Klaus," Duncan explained to his brother, "by the way, what happened with Violet?" Duncan asked with a wink. "None of that! We just talked,"

"For five hours?" Duncan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It wasn't five hours genius, anyways I should get back to my broom closet," Quigley left the room. "Have fun with your girlfriend!"

"I hate you,"

"Love you too," 


Violet sat in class, next to Quigley, realizing he was right, sleep is for class. Mr. Remora decided to go grab some more bananas from the break room, she turned to him. "You were right,"

"Of course I am,"

"You have no idea what I'm referring to, do you?"

"I have not the slightest clue,"

"About class being boring,"

"Yes, that it is," Quigley looked as if he wanted to say something but then completely stopped. "Are you alright?" Violet asked her newest friend. Quigley gave a small smile and nodded, "I'm fine,"

Duncan decided to do what he does best, annoy his brother, so he walked back towards their desks. "Hey bro,"

"What do you want, Duncan?"

"Can't I say 'hi', while your flirting with someone out of your league?" Duncan asked him teasingly, which caused Violet to giggle, "Violet, dear, Violet, promise me you won't let that get to you," Duncan told the girl, pointing to his brother. "What's wrong with me?"

"Your hair is a quagmire," Duncan said with a posh accent, "your face is awful-"

"We have the same one,"

"Don't forget his smile," Violet added.

"Ah, yes, dear brother, you have an overbite,"

"You can hardly tell,"

"It was wonderful being the brother that is on the other side of the bullying for once, now, dear friends, I must jump out of the window before our teacher returns," Duncan told them as he ran out of the room.

"He has never been that confident, I feel like he was mimicking me,"

"So you are that weird,"

"Uhh...nooo... I'm not weird,"

"What a shame, I happen to like the weirdos," Violet joked with a smile, the most genuine smile she had had since before the fire. "Well then, Miss Baudelaire, weird you shall see,"

"Should I be scared?"

"Most definitely,"


"Klaus! Isadora!" Duncan screamed as he ran into the cafeteria.

"Duncan, are you all right?" Isadora asked, checking for a fever.

"Look!" He exclaimed as he pointed down the hall. Violet and Quigley were walking down the hall, laughing, smiling, goofing off, holding hands. Klaus noticed how happy his sister was, and how he hadn't seen her like that in forever. Isadora noticed Quigley was holding hands with the girl he obviously liked. "Hey guys, how was class?" Violet asked sitting down.

"Aren't you guys going to get food?" Isadora asked them.

Quigley glanced at the mystery meat of the day, "I'm good," 

"BAUDELAIRES!" Carmelita exclaimed in a sing-song voice, "the new gym teacher wants to see you at the athletic field right away, ta-ta," 



"Baudelaires, meet our new gym teacher, Coach Gengis, he was especially excited about meeting you," Vice Princepal Nero introduced.

"Ah, yes, the Baudelaire Orphans I've heard so much about," Count Olaf in disguise greeted them with a phony accent, then he pointed to Violet, "Is that the one that has a boyfriend?"

"I do not have a boyfriend! What did you say your name was?"

"Coach Gengis, and I haven't done this, so I don't know if I'm doing it right but, ohhh, you are so in love girl," He said in a high pitched voice.

"Quigley Quagmire is not my boyfriend, and I am not in love with him,"

"I never said who, now, orphans tend to have unsound bodies, so I have started a new program just for your guys called special orphans running exercises, or S.O.R.E for short. Tonight you will come here so we can begin,"

"And this doesn't excuse you from my nightly violin recital," Nero added. 


"Why does he want you to go to the athletic field?" Quigley asked Violet, in their broom closet. "I have no idea,"

"So, the evil Count, who tried to marry you, is here, in disguise, and wants you to go to the athletic field at sundown,"

"Yep, and he has this weird thing, where he tries to get our fortune, but I don't know how we will by making us run laps," 

"Maybe you'll get so sick of running you'll hand over your fortune?"

"He has had weirder plans, anyways, I have to go now,"  Violet got up fromthe makeshift bed. "Vi?"


"Please be careful,"

"I will," 


"Hello Orphans, aren't you aware with punctuation?"

"Punctuation?" Klaus questioned.

"The art of being not late,"

"You mean punctuality,"

"What I mean is put on these shoes and take this luimoius, that's a word I came up with, paint and paint a circle,"

"You didn-"

"Just start running,"

"What is he doing?" Violet whispered to Klaus.

"I don't know, I've read a few manuals on paint, and it's poisonous and could cause birth defects. We should be fine becuase we're not eating the paint and your not pregnant,"

The Baudelaires were forced to run until five in the morning, Violet was so exhausted, she crawled to the broom closet. "Violet! Are you okay?" Quigley exclaimed as he helped her inside. Violet laid down on the makeshift matress. "No, not even one-twenty-seventh"

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