A new start

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Alex is stood at the bottom of the stairs that head to his new school,  Fortuna lake University (for beings of all kinds), paralysed to the spot he is standing on, scared of how unfamiliar everything is.

"A new start, that's what I'm here for, don't walk away now." he whispers to himself, forcing a smile to appear across his face. While walking up to the large mahogany double doors, notices a girl sitting on the bench next to the doors absorbed in the book in her hands, and chuckles at the sight of her halo. The girl suddenly shoots up off the bench, startled by the sound, and her wings open behind her swiftly, she looks at him and asks, "what are you laughing at?". Alex realises that he needs to explain himself, "sorry, I'm just not used to being around anyone else supernatural, I'm new here." The girl's expression instantly melts into a smile, "oh, it's ok, my name is Lillith, I'm an angel," she holds out her hand delicately, slowly folding back her wings, "what's your name?" Alex shakes her hand gently, afraid she might break into shards of glass. "I'm Alex, I'm a vampire" he smirks showing his fangs, a glint of light reflecting in his red eyes.

 "I'm Alex, I'm a vampire" he smirks showing his fangs, a glint of light reflecting in his red eyes

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Alex, noticing the book on the floor bends down to get it, "here" he says, handing the book back. "Thank you, I completely forgot about that." she giggles, holding it close to her chest. After looking at his watch to check the time, Alex sighs, "I better go now, it was nice meeting you, I'll see you around?", "Yes, it was nice meeting you too, you can have lunch with me and my friends if you want? We sit at the back of the cafeteria." Lillith suggests, not really wanting him to go. Ecstatic about having met Lillith, "Bye, I'll look for you." Alex says, opening the heavy door and stepping in. "Bye" Lillith smiles and starts skipping to the P.E building.

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