A little reminder

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"Hi." Lillith greets Alex as he sits down, "Hi, where's Fluffy?" he asks. "Oh she's in the library with Ethan, he told me earlier that he's gonna give her diamond earrings, so they're probably snogging." Lillith finishes her sentence just as Vix skips over. "H- Hiya!" Vix says giving both Alex and his sister a quick hug, Lillith smiles, "So you two know each other already.", xey grin back "Yes, h- he kept m- m- my daisies t- that I g- gave to him a- and w- we now sit n- n- next to e- each other for s- some l- l- lessons." xey say having sat down.

Vix turns to face Lillith "W- What should I g- g- get for Moon f- for v- v- valentines day?" xey ask "And! I w- w- wanna see what p- presents your g- g- gonna get for y- your birthday o- o- o- or even v- v- valentines." Vix grins widely. 

"Is this a way of reminding me to get a birthday present for your sister?" Alex asks, raising an eyebrow at Vix. Vix giggles, "M- Maybe.", Lillith squeaks "Vix! You cheeky little thing."


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