Broken Strings

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They ask "What is your drive?"
"What makes you  burn with desire?"
"The very thing that makes your day brighter?"
"Something that in this cruel world,
Leaves you a fighter?"

I proudly reply,
"The tunes that pull the strings of my heart."
"Without it, my world is apart."
"Words that flow so naturally like sweet honey,
Lacking it,will leave me nothing but ugly!"

A concoction of horror and disgust in the air,
Leaves me with bitter glares.
"Oh no!" "What a shame!"
"What a failure!" "So pathetic!" "So useless!" They all whisper.

Thus, the once high flames that used to burn so mighty,
Simmers down to black charcoal and shaky.
She is definitely the rotten egg,
Out of the whole dozen.

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